Simply written spiritual books?

What are some books that you have found to be helpful pertaining to spirituality or self growth and such. I am looking for something not overly complicated if it can be helped.

Answer #1

I truly enjoyed reading The Light & The Glory, by Peter Marshall, he was the chaplain of the US Senate, and his wife, Catherine Marshall wrote several books on the Holy Spirit that I really enjoyed.

Answer #2

There are many. Check out “A People called Quakers” by D. Elton Trueblood or

Simple Spirituality: Learning to See God in a Broken World by Christopher L. Heuertz

Don’t try and read books like these from beginning to end. Look at the contents and pick a chapter that looks interesting. Just poke around. It’s fun.

Answer #3

Even if you’re not muslim, the Koran is really inspiring

Answer #4

The only book I found helpful to my spirituality is THE HOLY BIBLE

Answer #5

Bruce Lee was a great philosopher.

Answer #6

Thanks for the input. interesting suggestions. its interesting how varying people ideas and preferences are on something like this. I guess its the result and not so much the method to it that is important right.

Answer #7

Thx for the input. interesting suggestions

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