Black People & Slavery..Why the big deal?

One thing I never understood was why blacks are so “angry” over what has happened in the past.

What am I missing?

What race HASN’T been enslaved? Seriously…I’d imagine all races at one point or another have been put through slavery, why do blacks make such a big deal about it?

I’m Native American, but I don’t go around calling whites “honkeys” or “crackers” or hold some kind of grudge about it.

Again, what am I missing?

Answer #1

“You are a lost cause.”

Why? Because I am against racism? And won’t blindly agree with your incorrect observations?

And Ty, you are correct. Racism, in many forms, still exists today.

Answer #2

They’re angry because racism continues. It’s nice that you werent as affected as a lot of people are, but institutional racism still exists, whether your or anyone else wants to see it…

Answer #3

How are we racist?

How are we being insensitive?

My people have had it if not just as bad, WORSE, then the blacks have. I don’t hold any grudges because we are beyond that.

Blacks have been treated poorly in the past, I agree. But so have Native Americans, and yet you don’t see me holding hatred for it. if you were trying to prove a point, it didn’t work

Answer #4

you racist, insensitive people. Shame on you.

It isn’t just slavery, it is the way we have treated blacks throughout history. Though what happened in nazi germany is “in the past”, as a jew, I am still angered and saddened by what happened to my grandparents, my relatives and the rest of the people murdered in the camps.

Answer #5

Hmm, lots of black people care a lot about their race and if any white person does something that isn’t nice to them they think that it’s because they are black.

but well honestly I think there’s more slavery in black people than white people. don’t know why though.

Answer #6

…Wow, pretty sure I became dumber after reading that.

Since nothing she had to say made any sense or had any point…at ALL, can anyone else present their input in a CLEAR FASHION.

Answer #7

I do have empathy for them, but only the ones who don’t go around with biased racism towards other races because of what has happened in the past.

And please, stop trying to be a saint. If you deny that African Americans aren’t currently still hung up on slavery then you aren’t actually living in the country.

Answer #8

“I’m merely looking for the reason black people are under the impression that they have had it worse than any other race that has been enslaved and why they still feel the need to linger on past incidents instead of moving on.”

oh, no you would NEVER generalize…

And no, I am not black. I was just raised to have empathy for others. I was also raised during a time when blacks were still lynched and burned just for being black, when jews were killed just for being jewish, where native americans were still treated like intruders in their own country.

Perhaps a little more empathy and a little less generalization would be in order here.

Answer #9

“but well honestly I think there’s more slavery in black people than white people” sensitive…

“so dont be sooo pissed cause obviously if we could turn back time we would change it.” sensitive…

“My people have had it if not just as bad, WORSE, then the blacks have” what is this, a contest?

The reason I say most of your are racist is because of the generalization towards blacks…That is a typically racist comment… all blacks do this, all blacks do that… It is the assumption that ALL blacks think one way and harbor hatred towards whites. You don’t even see them as individuals with the ability to process and think…

Answer #10

Well it was a terrible thing that happened but again it happened in the PAST. I have to agree with you becuase ya some stupid white men where idiots and enslaved people but I dont think its fair to look down on all white people and consiter hem “racist” because I for one am not. And again like no one can rewind time and change it so dont be sooo pissed cause obviously if we could turn back time we would change it. I totally agree with you

Answer #11

You are a lost cause.

Answer #12

The sin’s of the Father should not be passed down to the son…F*ck

Answer #13

why black people hate about slaver is because they were the only one getting boss around getting whop and stuff it happened to Chinese, Jews but the point is it never happened to white people and every person who answer this question didn’t answer it correct black people got treated different they where poor they couldn’t go to the same school as white couldn’t eat, drink go to the same restroom as white people black people had to sit at the back of the boys a women name Rosa park would not give up her seat for a white man and she sat there until the police come and lock her up she mad history or how about Harret Tubman who want to the underground railroad and friend all the slaves from slaver on her beer feet or how about Martin Luther King jr. who mad a speech I have a dream to bring white, black , jew, together how about I can come on and on about this the fact that black people was so mad about slavery is because they were mess treated and they won’t going to take it nomore so they host a boycott that’s why we have black history month and it’s very important because if this never happened who would of still been slaves and picking cotton or living out of shack that’s why am so greatful for them and did you know if Mcclain would of become president it would of been right back to slavery for use losing are homes everything god know were will be it may of been in the pass but slavery is very important to black but listen to this we made history Obama ‘09’ yes we can…

Answer #14

again, you generalize…

Answer #15

I don’t know why you’re so defensive. We aren’t generalizing…would you like for us to give you the names of every black that has made a big deal over slavery?

Are you black? It would explain why you seem so over-defensive.

You’re absolutely right though - I made this post with the mentality that black people are robots who cannot think.

Stop calling everyone a racist. They were in no way being it. And no, this isn’t a contest. I’m merely looking for the reason black people are under the impression that they have had it worse than any other race that has been enslaved and why they still feel the need to linger on past incidents instead of moving on.

But where I live, where I have lived, and where I will be living, the large majority of blacks do hate white people for reasons “unknown”, even ones they have not met. Don’t tell me I’m making bold exaggerations because I have gone to public places and, several times, have been singled out, and you could almost say bullied by blacks, just because they were under the impression I was white.

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