What animals are you allowed to keep as pets in Queensland?

Answer #1

I did a quick search and here is what you are not allowed to have

* American corn snakes
* anoles - all types
* boa constrictors
* ball pythons
* chameleons
* dingoes
* feral pigs
* ferrets
* fire-bellied newts
* fire-bellied toads
* foxes
* gerbils
* gecko species exotic to Australia including leopard, tokay and madagascar
* hermann's tortoise
* hamsters
* iguanas
* monkeys
* poison arrow (dart) frogs - all types
* rabbits
* red-eared slider turtles
* squirrels
* stoats
* weasels
* wild dogs.
Answer #2

My friend Jamie used to live in qld, and she had a bunny and a hamster, so your allowed them :)

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