Ancient chinese remedy for making boobs bigger..

Ancient chinese remedy for making boobs bigger.. ok, so I have only got a 34A cup, and I’ve just turned 14, and I heard about this chinese massage that helps them grow bigger and faster, but only by a smidge, if anyone knows this please can you tell me because I hate having small boobs, I know this isnt the most tramatic thing on here but if anyone knows, please tell me and even if you don’t this, and you have any other ways of making them grow bigger or faster please tell me and im open minded to all inputs. Thank you.x

Answer #1

you need to be open minded enough to understand that youve just began to go through puberty boobs dont just pop up and majically appear when you turn 13 or 14 theyll reach there full size when your around 18-20 NOTHING, no food, exerscises or “chinese remedies” will do anything to change the way they way they grow thats all down to your genes

Answer #2

u got to let urself grow into them 19 and im a 34A ..its however your body is im not skinny or fat im Thick. im 5’5 but I have a big butt on me lol but my boobs are small … your only 14 you dont NEED Big boobs..but if your meant 2 have them big they will get there dont rush it

Answer #3

yea big boobs arent fun I wear a 34 d and I cant wear some shirts because my boobs are perky and big people always tell me they look fake…it sukks =(

Answer #4

guys yall will grow, and remenber your boobs have to fit you, Life is not about big boobs for goodness sake be happy with your body, plus your only 14 you have some years left girl

Answer #5

Im 14 going on 15 next month and I can tell ya big boobs arent always so great ]: when I was thirteen I was C, when I turned 14 I was a D and now im almost a DD cup. Because of that I cant zip this really pretty prom dress im gonna use for the prom all the way up cause my boobs are a little too big. (Bummmerr!) Im still gonna try though…So yeah. boobs arent always a blessing. Too much attention from guys can get annoying from time to time.

Answer #6

lol and having bigg boobs isnt always fun…extra attention frm boys isnt always fun because im 14nd 36C

Answer #7

hey dont worry, im only 13 and a skinny minny and I have a 36B. dont worry ull grow

Answer #8

Im 13, going to be 14 in 19days (not like that matters). My mum has got jiganntic BOOBS! Me on the other hand is a 34AA :/ Im looking everywere in how to get bigger boobs. People say that drinking milk and rubbing lavender on them works…x

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