Have you ever felt like god has deserted u?

Have you ever felt like god has deserted u?

Answer #1

its normal to feel like that. I did when I was going through a ruff time. but hes always there and honestly he puts you through the bad times to get to the good and appreciate them.

Answer #2

“he puts you through bad times to get to the good ones”??? mal44 , im sorry but I think that is a load of crap. I believe in god, but I definatly think he/she has deserted all of us in times. my 29 year old cousin was killed, and then 2 monhs later my grandmother died of cancer, and now my 3 year old cousin who was diagnosed with Cystic Fybrosis, and where the hell was god when all this happened?? and I am still waiting to get to the good ones, and until me and my family find the good things out of these situations…I will continue to believe that god is currently m.I.a

Answer #3

There will be times, in your relationship with him, when he kinda backs out for awhile, that is when you continue to walk by faith, doing the things you know to do, and be faithful. When this happens, I think he is just giving us some space, to see what we will do, if we cannot feel his presence, for awhile.

another reason could be that he has asked you to do something that you have been unwilling to do, he will sometimes make himself distant, to get our attention.

The bible says that he will never leave us nor forsake us, so, just stand on the word, and continue to seek him.

Answer #4

Which God? Depends if you believe in any, I don’t.

Answer #5

I feel that way a lot…like the last few weeks actually. I’ve been doubting lately if God really cares like he claims. We all go through times when we feel far from God but I think it can sometimes be a test. When we don’t feel him, it’s then we have to rely on our faith. I know it’s hard and very depressing but it’s important we stay strong and know that God IS with us whether we feel him or not. <3

Answer #6

no he’s always with us because he guides you, and sometimes tests your strength. I have never felt like that, even though I have been waiting for one thing I have asked for 4 years, but I just recieved sum good advice, maybe god is leading me sum where better than what I want.

Answer #7

Zeus is always by my side. So, no, haven’t felt that way.

Answer #8

I felt that way when I was younger - and then I realized that there was no God.

Answer #9

I use to feel that way until I realized there is no God. When I realized that I was up to me to make things happen I felt much more empowered.

Answer #10

no I’ve never felt like that no matter all the hard times I’ve had experienced. no matter what happens to me I know that god is standing by my side and hes there for me the whole time. if it wasnt for god I wouldnt be here today.

Answer #11

I feel that he is always with me. he never leaves me alone, and helps me get through the bad times. he can’t free us from the pain or suffering, but he can help us get through it. :)

Answer #12

He wants to see how bad you want him. if you long for him, you cant love someone and not want them to be with you. think about it.

and courtney… I am sorry for your lose and I know is sucks but Just because someone dies doesnt mean god isnt there. or doing his job. people die its a result of being human.

Answer #13

Yeah. I have. It’s the worst feeling ever.

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