If life was discovered on another planet, do you think that would prove "God" doesn't exist?

Answer #1

No, I think it would increase the belief because “God made them too”.

Answer #2

I think it would raise a lot of speculation, wars, fights, and differences of opinion. But I don’t think it would ‘prove god doesn’t exist’ because the people who believe in god have such a strong faith, I don’t think anything could convince them otherwise.

Answer #3

No, not at all… people will just say God put them there…

Answer #4

I don’t think so no, it would just be incorporated into the belief system i.e. god created other planets too.

Answer #5

No. In what way would it prove it? If there is life in another planet, then there is life on another planet, dosen’t mean that there is no God just because of that.

Answer #6

No one can provew that god is real or not untill their dead

Answer #7

Who says there is no life on other planets? There is certainly life on other planets, only we have not yet discovered it yet or are incapable with our limited knowledge to discover it. There is more than just material technology needed to perceive those realms. Like God has created us He also has created them as well, they may know Him in some other form. But He still will remain the same One and only.

Answer #8


Answer #9

I think there may be a number of different gods that take care of different areas in the universe…..

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