Answer #1

“because it is good to have fith in something other than yourself sometimes, and god is a good source, because it will not make you do bad “

Your family, close friend, *psychiatrists*

& if you can’t rely on yourself then you need help.

Sapphire, get a life. Hmm, lets see, 3 WEEKS LATER, why not the same night? Can't even say it's a coincedince(sp?), & I doubt that's the first time you prayed for contact with your father. & funny you should be thanking god for the money & not your mother who worked her @$$ off or the person who gave it to her. I'm going through the same d@mn thing, as long as I got close on my back, & paper & pencil to write & draw, I'm fine. Thing is we haven't even moved, we're in a house that is literally falling apart. & I've been in the same bed for who know's how long, it bows in the middle & the box spring it tore to hell, I can't lay straight for my head will come off the edge & my feet will be up against the wall. But hey, as long as I have pencil & paper I'm good. I just see it un fit to thank some being that no one can prove or knows without any since of doubt exist before the people who work there @$$es off trying to make a living & giving you the things you need. 
Can you prove god is real? & don't say the bible, it was written by man & has plenty of mistranslations & things that have been disproved. Don't say nature, or life, that can be explained by science.
By all means, believe in whatever the hell you want, just DON"T SHOVE IT DOWN MY THROAT & I wont have to chew it up & spit it back at you.
Getting bacl on topic here, I don't see why you should less you want to, then I don't see why you shouldn't.
Answer #2

you shouldnt but its up to you

Answer #3

sapphire0712 Those things are called coincedinces my dear. Also, where did the check come from, I’m sure it was not a personal signed check from god himself. So god did not send it. You can not sit here and tell people that they are wrong for not believing in YOUR religion. Religion is a personal decision, neither right nor wrong. You can’t say your religion is the right one, you have no proof of that. Dont think so, prove me wrong! I dare you. I think people that come on here and say their god is the only god and everyone else is fools, are close minded and blinded by their religion. More than that, they are pushy and rude and offensive to those people who do not believe in the same thing as you. I dont understand why people give all credit to God. They forget about the doctors who worked their butts off to save their lives. They forget about the friends and family who helped them through things. They forget that in life, things just happen sometimes. I’m sick of hearing when young children die that they are in a better place, what place is better than in it’s mother’s arms. I’m sick of hearing God had a plan, what plan involves making people suffer, killing innocent children, etc. If that’s how God works, than I’m happy to not be a part of his following.

Answer #4

To the anotomous persno up there,

“Nothing comes from Nothing” Where did God come from?

& Scientist don't claim things came from nothing, Space has always existed. & Before you bring up the big bang, there's more logical explanations they've come up with other than some unstable super atom that sets off a chain reaction within itself 

causing it to explode & spatter gasses across the universe. Supposedly, two parallel universes collided & made this one, the clumps of matter being made from the ripples of the universe.

The reason why things have changed for you is because your mental state has change, changing your outlook on things(obviously). It's not because of some divine intervention, it's all in your head, literally. The way you think of things effects most everything of what & how things happen to you.
Answer #5


well thank you for that sermon and pushing that down my neck, And people ask wtah I mean when I say christians push their religion on people. now if the God of the bible created everythinghe has shone its only to worship him. now why would an onipiant being that could do anything even care to be worshiped, or worry about wither little nips like us believe in him or not? Why would he be suseptable to jelosy, or vengfulness?

Answer #6

You can’t KNOW god is real, you are supposed to have FAITH that he is. That is what religion is all about..have you not been studying what your preaching to people?

Answer #7

Mainly to have Salvation, mercy, grace, and His guidance and blessings upon your life - otherwise judgement day those who’s names are not found recorded in the ‘Book of Life’ are cast into the ‘Lake of Fire’ according to God’s word (Rev 20 : 15) - not meant to scare, you asked and that’s what it says…Take care !!

Answer #8

you are absalutley right bellababy

god is someone who you can turn to for help! want proof that hes there!?!?!? just look outside at the trees and flowers and rivers and all the beautiful stuff god has made. who else could have made it! it cant just appeared out of the big boom or whatever its called.

Answer #9

Because he gave you the life that you live, and provides the air that you breathe, he holds your days in his hands, he holds the world together, and created everything to work in harmony.

I can’t think of even one reason… why you would not believe in God.

Answer #10

I think the real question is “Why shouldn’t you believe in god?” He is so amazing. He has changed my life and I am so greatful. And just think about it. Nothing comes from Nothing. What do you think will happen after you die?

Answer #11

There is no reason that you “should” believe in god. I’ve said it a milliion times, religion is supposed to be a personal decision. Something that one has faith in. ONE. Not something that you should try and convince others to be.

Answer #12

I assume your refering to the christian God in that case I dont know whay anyone would want to believe in such a vengful and wrathful God

Answer #13

No you don’t, you get to sit in the ground till judgment day. & if you need to be told to good things then you should go to hell anyway’s. Besides, I see more good being done from atheist & such than by Christians.

Answer #14

There isn’t a reason, you shouldn’t. god wasnt there when all those people died in 911, he wasn’t there during the holocaust, and he won’t be there when more people die later on in some massive genocide.

Answer #15

…so you won’t be burned as a heretic when the evangelicals turn the US into a theocracy.

Answer #16

if you dont believe in god thats perfectly fine, im atheist and nobody can change my mind :b

Answer #17

because it is good to have fith in something other than yourself sometimes, and god is a good source, because it will not make you do bad

Answer #18

IF YOU DONT BELIEVEIN GOD THAT IS NOT FINE AT ALLL GOT IT.I KNOW GODIS REAL,SO HEAR IT FROM ME OK,HE BROUGHT ALL OF you GUYSON EARTH AND YOU UYS BETRAY HIM,BUT HES REAL AND you SHOULD BELIEVE IN HIM,I PRAY TO HIM WHEN IM HAVING PROBLEMS,AD EVERYTHING GOES AWAY.LIKE 1 TIME WE HAD PROBLEM GING ON WHERE I LIVE,LIKE WE JUST BOUGT A HOUSE WHICH LEFT USBANK RUPT AD I WAS SOOO OVER PRESSURE,and that night I prayed 4 him to help me thenext morning my mo woke me up saying she got it a 5000 check.and we were ableto buy eerything we needed,AND ANOTHER TIME IS…a while ago I havent ead of my dad in almost 3 years,so I was really sad and I sat there with a cross hoping he`ll call.about a few weeks later he called.and if you people say oh he nevered answer my prayers thats because you guys had doubts of him and you guys need to have a healthy relationship with him!!!

Answer #19

If you think you “should”…maybe you’re trying too hard…Maybe wait and see if you “want” to believe…That’s what it seems to me, anyway…that it takes…”ya got to want to”…

god wasnt there when all those people died in 911, he wasn’t there during the holocaust

I think if you did some research, you’d find that the people who were actually in the holocaust…and the people who lost husbands, wives, and children in 911…leaned very heavily on God…maybe more so then, than at any other times in their lives. It appears that having faith offers hope…and without hope most people are lost. That’s not saying everyone needs faith to have hope…but many many do.

THAT is the plus side of believing in a Power greater than yourself…


Answer #20

Only good things come from believing in God. He touches you in a place in your heart that you didn’t even know you had. He gives you such a good feeling, and hey, there are good benefits! You get to go to Heaven when your time on earth is over. Church doesn’t seem boring to you anymore when you believe in God and you start to do good things. You progressively draw nearer to Him when you believe in Him. In the Bible, it does say that the path to Heaven is incredibly narrower than the path to Hell. But even if you don’t believe in Him, he still believes in you. If you have any questions or prayer requests, I would love to pray for you.

He has a plan, and it will follow through whether you believe it or not.

Answer #21

Honestly, I am atheist. I don’t believe god is even there or ever was. I believe we were all just putnhere by our familys and not god, and how can you prove he is there?? You can’t! Yes everyone has a right to believe what they want and thats what I believe so don’t shove your religion down my throat. It will just make me not beleive in it more because “god” created stubborn, selfish people such as you.

Answer #22

why would you? personally I think its a bunch of crap I dont agree with anything it teaches or stands for and for those reasons I dont respect any reliogion but I respect peoples beleifs, they can choose to beleive anything they want to just like you can I cant say why you should beleive in god, because really, there is no logical or reason why you shouldnt though? people can be just as happy beleiving in nothing than themselves, as they can be beleiving in something people created to explain everything they couldnt explain

Answer #23

“because it is good to have fith in something other than yourself sometimes, and god is a good source, because it will not make you do bad”

oh heaven forbid you actually do good because of an internal moral sense of right and wrong… people who think you need God to do the right thing scare me, it just means they wouldnt be doing the right thing if there wasnt a fear of hell (hmm maybe then it’s a good thing they believe…)

Answer #24

people can be just as happy beleiving in nothing than themselves

Actually, that’s not true…When the sh** hits the fan, when they come face to face with something BEYOND their control, beyond their scope of knowledge…they tend to rely on other people…Relying on others is always a risky business…but still better than reliance on self alone. Things as huge as the holocaust…things beyond the scope of ANY human being…drive people to look for a Power bigger than themselves, to get a sense of purpose for their suffering…It’s a “human condition” as old as mankind.


Answer #25


No you don’t…

Answer #26

You get to go to Heaven when your time on earth is over.

How do you know?

Answer #27

and how d you know??

…because I’m THAT awesome.

Answer #28

cause theres no proof so no one can know only believe.

Answer #29

For you could have somewhere to go when you die.

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