why do some have it so tough?

why do some people have more issues and problems thrown at them than others…good people who dont go looking for trouble, do their best just to live life, survive and take care of their family. Then there are some who go through life, not caring for anyone but themselves, do what they want and never seem to get crapped on…sure everyone has problems now and then, but why do some get snowballed one after another and it never seems to end.

Answer #1

There is no real answer here. Some people really do have it hard & we cant do anything but try & help them out. some people work all their life for what they have some are just born into it. as long as we try our best to succeed & overcome problems then we should be proud no matter what class you are (:

Answer #2

I like the answer Eileencatherine gave!

She got it!

Answer #3

because there are so many people out there that dont care for people and I dont know why I hate that. there are people that dont have morals and guilt and it drives me insane the best you can do is to not be one of those people

Answer #4

well thats me, im, real nice and I’ve got all these problems, mine are cause how my dad treats me well my family, and friends, but my dad tells me to be an adult(im 16) THEN TREATS ME LIKE A KID, THEN THE CYCLE CONTINUES THROWING ME INTO A HOLE, I DONT KNOW WHY IT HAPPENS HTOUGH

Answer #5

I guess life just isn’t fair for some of us. I’ve been kicked pretty much all of my life, so I know what you mean.

You know what, though? Although it’s hard for those who don’t have it easy, it makes each of us a stronger person. We can learn from these hard times and try to help other people with what we know and have been through.

Answer #6

aw thanks christac =]

Answer #7

That is a very good question and also very hard…I don’t think there is any real answer..but what you said it TOTALLY true!

Answer #8

I think it’s because those people are better at hiding it than some others, they just don’t tell people that their life does have ups and downs. They would just rather make life out to be some happy thing where nobody gets hurt and nothing can go wrong, but deep down they have the same problems the rest of us have.

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