Toughing Up

Many people that I know have asked me if the insults people say to me get to me,I tell them No but sometimes they do. They ask why I never fight back if someone were to pick a fight with me,I tell them it’s not worth my time. To be fully real and honest,half the time people insult me,I want to hurt them so badly but I usually think of what will happen after I do something.

How can I tough/man up and not be the weak side of myself?

Answer #1

I always use to get bullied when I was younger, and then I just started to stop being the weeker one but I showed them I wasnt scared, one day I totally blacked out when the girl was pushing me around and I like snaped out of it and I was Over her and she was all bloody, I know thats not the best thing to do, but I know now not to let anyone put me down… a few months ago These 3 guys and 3 girls came to my door at home saying that they knew me.. and I had no idea who they were never seen them in my life- I just moved to the town, and they were trying to push me in my door, So I was telling them That im going to call the police and they were acting worst trying to take the phone… I knew I had to do something it was only me and my ex at home… and he was trying to talk his way out of it… I didnt know why they were doing this to me but they were all drunk… This girl was trying to pick a fight with me.. So I didnt back down I didnt care how many people were there I just Gave her what she wanted, and I didnt get hurt at all, they all got scared and ran off, I didnt Hurt her badly, I just did it enough to scare them off, I know fighting for no reason is stupid, and I dont try to… But if you need to you have to just not show your week side.. and give them what they want and they will back off…

Answer #2

the best thing to do is to take it. why do they make fun of you? they have no reason. they love that you can handle so much and are trying to push you to the limit to see how far they can take you. forget about them cause it’s not worth it. I, for one, love when someone doesn’t fight back. it shows me a lot about how they are and it really makes you look like a worthy person :)

Answer #3

Be hard, show no fear, even if its there, don’t be scared to tell anyone anything, and like jmz10 say, learn to defend yourself.

Answer #4

Don’t fear them or anything else. Prove them wrong. Show them that you can stand up for yourself and that you won’t put up with their bullsh*t. Get mean and show them who’s boss. Don’t let them walk all over you or it’ll only make it worse and make them think that you don’t care. If they get too annoying, punch their face. If you need any tips for insulting/taking your part, feel free to comment/funmail me because I certainly know how to take my part - NO ONE messe with me because they know better haha

Answer #5

This is coming from a person who almost got arrested for fighting, I’ve learned that other people cant hurt you, you can only hurt yourself. Who cares if they dont approve of you? Why do you care? Are they going to take care of your family 10 years from now? NO! But something as small as a fight can completely throw you off school & work. Ignore the haters until they disappear. Be smart :)

Answer #6

Get a book of insults.

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