Does Lady Gaga really have both kinds of bits?

Does Lady Gaga really have both kinds of bits?

Answer #1

So dude you go me curios and I went around looking for info and I found that supposedly Lady Gaga said this and IF she did I agree with her 100%

Lady Gaga’s Statement: “Its not something that I’m ashamed of, just isn’t something that I go around telling everyone. Yes. I have both male and female genitalia, but I consider myself a female. Its just a little bit of a penis and really doesnt interfere much with my life. the reason I haven’t talked about it is that its not a big deal to me. like come on. its not like we all go around talking about our vags. I think this is a great opportunity to make other multiple gendered people feel more comfortable with their bodies. I’m sexy, I’m hot. I have both a poon and a peener. big f*cking deal.

  • Lady Gaga
Answer #2

I dont think she has both parts, how would anyone know for sure? I’ve seen the pictures that supposedly make her a hermophrodite.. it really doesnt look geniunely like she has both parts. Also why would she wear tight fitting trousers and hot pants if she was?

And even if she was born that way is it really her fault? I dont see why people are being really mean about it because I mean how would they feel if that was them?

Well thats my opinion. :)

Answer #3

I have a couple things to say about this.

Has anyone seen the video when her junk gets exposed? (It’s what started this whole thing) It looks like a really small penis, right?

Yeah, she’s a great artist. Nobody should be hatin’ on her if it’s true.


Answer #4

no I don’t thinks altho she does look like a man in drag sometimes!

Answer #5

Like a penis and a vagina?

Its been rumored but do you really think if she had a dick she would wear the swimsuits and outfits she wears?

If she does then who cares right? She makes good music and well its her buisness.

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