What non Muslims really think about Muslims and Islam?

What non Muslims really think about Muslims and Islam? Are most of the terrorists in the world Muslims? I would like to clarify that Islam is the religion and followers of Islam are called Muslims (so differentiate between religion and its followers).

Answer #1

What non Muslims really think about Muslims and Islam?

As with EVERY religion, there are those who use it, and those who abuse it…

Are most of the terrorists in the world Muslims?

…no… that is ludicrous…

Sorry but I think that Muslims are the main source of terrorists

…that statement shows how naive you really are…

Answer #2

It is no more accurate to think every Muslim a terrorist than to think every Christian a woman’s clinic bomber and doctor killer.

Christianity is currently the largest religion in the world while Islam is the 2nd largest and growing. If the world’s top two religions can’t get along the world is going to become a very scary place.

Answer #3

islam is one of the best religion.even muslim are rigid with there belief.But all religion have people thouse interpret wrongly.

Answer #4

Every Muslim I’ve met had an “Islam-only” worldview.

terrorists are in many religions and political groups. Most of the 911 terrorist were Muslim (hmm, actually 100%)

You are clear on your differentiation; not that complicated: similar differentiations are Christianity and Christians, Party and Voter, etc.

and I agree with the first comment, this topic can be an open can of worms

Answer #5

And the terroists that went over to Iraq and destroyed cities and killed civilians where American of all different religions. So depending what culture you ask the answer will always be different.

I’m not talking about Americans and the war in Iraq.

Actually, the war in Iraq has nothing to do with the war on terrorism.

Answer #6

I’ve worked with and went to college with a lot of Muslims. Some are dogmatic and narrow minded. Some retained their religion but accepted the idea of living in a multi-cultural society. Some were Muslims in name only because they were raised in it but no longer lived it. The idea that every Muslim has the same viewpoint is just as ludicrous as saying that every Christian does.

Answer #7

Sorry but I think that Muslims are the main source of terrorists, anybody who will blow himself up for a river of honey and 72 virgins thinking their god told them to do it isn’t right in the head. And after 911 I can’t believe Islam is a religion of peace.

We have out own nutcase religious people here in the U.S. but last time I checked they didn’t go to another county and blow up a couple of buildings with airplanes either, or hide in a car trunk shooting at people, or pose as a military officer and then start killing their own just cause they are going on a deployment.

Answer #8

Every Muslim I’ve met had an Islam-only worldview.

lol, please, you want us to believe you’ve talked to a muslim? if only I’d only talked to one narrow minded right wing nut. then my world view could be as simplistic as yours.

Answer #9

And the “terroists” that went over to Iraq and destroyed cities and killed civilians where American of all different religions. So depending what culture you ask the answer will always be different.

(No I don’t believe we (our soldiers) are terrorists and I actually support the war and our Soldiers it was just for the sake of argument.)

Answer #10

I am Muslim and im utterly disgusted at how narrow minded some people are! Islam is a religion of peace, not violence. there are approximately 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, you cant generalize 1.5 billion Muslims based on just a handful, right?! those who blow them self’s up were brain washed into thinking that it was the right thing to do, our holy quran clearly states that its forbidden to commit suicide and kill innocent people. And after 911 I can’t believe Islam is a religion of peace. -right so you are making your judgment based of lets say +- 30 ‘’muslims’’? I can also say that same when it comes to the KKK clan right?

Some of them only hang out with other Muslim people and stuff like that which is ridiculous*—when we are with other muslims, we feel more together and united, during our fasting period( where we dont eat/ drink during daylight), I would find it so much easier to be around muslims than non muslims.

In Islam we should respect ALL people of the BOOK; Christians AND Jews.

Answer #11

the world is going to become a very scary place

It already is.

Answer #12

Well I am muslim and I hate the stereotype on Muslims! I get the oddest looks when I go out (I’m wearing hijab), I sat down next to an old lady on the bus (in my country, Australia) and she squealed and held her heart! Like I had a bomb under my clothes lool! I was like whaaattt!

Like in any religion there are good and bad and remember (for all the people that blame “Muslims” for 9/11) if you commit murder or suicide etc you are not a Muslim or Christian or Jew. It is against the religion!! All of them. Because the Prophet Muhammad said: “If someone killed an innocent being, he killed the whole humanity, and if someone saved an innocent being, he saved the whole humanity”

So people who believe that ALL Muslims are terrorists, need to get THEIR heads examined.

The reasoning for people being against is Islam is ignorance, people don’t know about the religion. People fear what they don’t understand. For example how Muslim women (not all of them) dress, wearing hijab. In the bible it is called for Women to wear the scarf as well. In many Euro counties Christian women DO wear it, as do Jews. Yes, there are extremists but they are not real Muslims, nor was Hitler a real Christian (God that guy is a joke!) or what is happening in Palestine now, MURDER! But the so called “Jews” who are doing it, aren’t real Jews, because it is AGAINST the religion.

In Islam we should respect ALL people of the BOOK; Christians AND Jews.

Answer #13

My oppinion is much to that of my oppinion of pitbulls and how people hate them because they attack people and are vicious.

“Punish the deed; not the breed”

I bet there are some very nice Muslims out there. Its not so much the Islamic religion thats evil. Its the leaders that are corrupt and are very good at manipulating the word of their “bible” (forgot what its called) to get people to do what they want.

So yes, there are bad ones, and good ones. But I don’t think you should punish them as a whole.

Also, there are lots of black gangmembers who like to shoot people. But there are also nice black people. And there are nice white people, and white gangmembers that like to shoot people!

Answer #14

Friends, if you really want to figure what Islam is you need to check what does its Holy Book says, we can’t judge a religion by what the followers of that religion do, Those who blow themselves for what a friend said streams of honey and 72 virgins are brain washed by some groups, who use em for their own purposes, they will get nothing but streams of hell fire and dark angles punishing them. And if you read Quran you will find it written that; ‘If someone killed an inocent being, he killed the whole humanity, and if someone saved an inocent being, he saved the whole humanity’. So, is this terrorism???

Answer #15

Well I personally see Muslims as my brothers/sisters. feel for there suffering in Palestine and around the world. im Christian and we need to look at it like this. there’s Christianity and there’s Christian. To say we don’t go around and blow up other people is crazy we have done this for the longest this time. look at the crusades, we the Christian world started it and went from Europe (we you Europeans not my people, lol but my people as in the faith since) to the middle east and killed so many (we were the terroritist killing thousands), of course they returned the favor after but its similar to what is currently happening today with the western world and a few in Islam. I say a few b/c there are about a billion Muslims in the world today so if there were about a billion people who wanted to kill us the west then there would have been more (many times over) bombing/killing then what is currently happening. You must understand that it is a sin to kill, be it in Christianity or in Islam. In fact to kill a single person in Islam it is as if you have killed all of humanity (not just Muslims but all of humanity!!!) and if you have saved a single person it is as if you have saved all of humanity!!! So how could anyone say a religion with this view is blood hungry or hate filled??? Its cause your angry and hate filled and your lazy and don’t take the time to understand others. another note is that Muslims don’t hate Jews or Christians in fact they cannot by there own faith hate them b/c we (Jew and Christians) are seen as people of the book (the book being Gods) and we have received the word of God(his truth) before Muslims and as should they cannot harm us or hate us. Those lost hate filled people (terrorists) use Gods word to move other to hate it clearly says that people will do this with Gods words in the bible (oh by the way that virgin thing is not real, it’s a twisted view on the view Islam has on giving up ones life in the name of God). If you judge them base on a few then you most judge Christian the same way. The kkk is Christian (so they say, but anyone who is a true follower see they are lost and hate filled) and so are most neo Nazis. They kill others b/c they believe it is permitted, but of course it not at all. The kkk would bomb churches hang, beat, kill, all non straight, non white/racists white, non Christian people. And this was only about 50 years ago in our country under the untied klans of American which had over a million members, most of the state of Indiana wear conformed member. Also look at Ireland just 20 years ago with Christians bombing and killing Christians (well Catholics and other Christians) I correct any who believes that Islam is hate filled and narrow mind (though I have encountered some that are narrow but no more then the number of Christians that are the same way). I think Islam is a good religion and that most Muslims are good (only as good as human can be, not in the biblical since because only God is really good) as Christians. And that we as Muslims and Christian need to stop and talk to one another and not be to caught up in the hate that has filled our brothers heart and treat other in the matter in which God almighty would want us to, with kindness understand and love. what we the west (christian world) think of them, they think of us. (funny no?) we need to break the cycle, and talk to one another not to try and convert or judge etc but to live in peace (Gods way) and with out hate (satins), from both sides.

Answer #16

Every Muslim I’ve met had an Islam-only worldview.

You obviously haven’t met a lot of Muslims. Just like you can’t generalize with Christianity or any other religion you also can’t generalize with Muslims.

Sorry but I think that Muslims are the main source of terrorists Think harder. That’s a really narrow minded opinion.

Answer #17

Ooooh here’s a can of worms for the opening.

I can’t remember when the last terrorist religion survey was undertaken.

The other problem is that very often one man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter, so who do you survey?

I would suggest that true followers of any God/Allah enemy of the devil type religion, would not be terribly keen on taking the lives of fellow humans.

But there again, imho religion is just a very useful sociological tool employed by governments to exert control. How many of our wars have had their foundation in religion? and doesn’t every side in a war believe that “god” is on their side?

The whole thing is absurd, but gradually common sense is becoming increasingly prevalent. The only trouble is, what should we do with all the beautiful buildings that religion has left us with?

Answer #18

Im Jewish and I’ve read about Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Sikh.. To be honest I find Islam a very interesting religion. I only have 2 Muslim friends one of them just came from Pakistan to the US just today he show me what they call (big clothes) and one born in Chicago whose parents are from Pakistan which takes Saturday school about Islam they’ve also told me about their religion. And im a full time Jew but after Judaism the religion that I find more logical,true..don’t have the words is Islam. No something annoys me about some…lots of Muslims is that they are like self center when it comes to religion.Some of them only hang out with other Muslim people and stuff like that which is ridiculous and about terrorism I dont really know much about that subject but the ones I’ve seen wear turbans around their heads and as fas as I know thos are Sikhs not Muslims

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