What is the top thing you want for christmas?

K, I know its a lil early but what is the number one thing that you want for christmas? Mine is probably a wii and some c.ds!

Answer #1

iPhone, my blackjack 2 sucks. a new digital camera- I have a habit of breaking them. I guess that’s about it. clothes.

Answer #2

I want a new ipod mine got dropped the other day

Answer #3

Money, clothes, shoes

Answer #4

purple ipod MONEY!

Answer #5

An ipod {{so all my music,photos,and movies/videos could be in one place}} A couple od cd’s *A big bag of starbursts

Answer #6

an iPhone, but im probably not going to get it. if I dont, I want a HTC Touch Diamond=D

Answer #7

its between a digital camera or 4 books I been dying to get.

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