What can she eat?

Ok so my daughters lactose interlorant shes 17 months what can she or cant she eat? Any advice would be helpful-cheers guys xx

Answer #1

My son was allergic to dairy and fortunately he outgrew that at the age of three. You can use soy products. My son loved and will still only drink soy milk, it comes in chocolate which is prettty tasty. When cooking I used almond cheese and I believe that goat cheese is safe to use too. You can also get dairy free butter spreads. If you go to vitacost.com they have a ton of great products you can order. It’s sooo overwhelming at first but you get used to it. Best wishes to you.

Answer #2

my little brother was lactose intolerant, he had a little booklet from the doctors office, it had all the alternatives to dairy and I tried some of it, it tastes no different, ask around at the docs office and he pharmacy, theyll probably have a book like it. good look and hopes she grows out of it like my bro and hubbey2001’s son

Answer #3

Any dairy products, of course. They have soy milk, and lactose free cheese.

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