Why did god create humans?

Why did god create humans?

Answer #1

He was bored… and drunk.

Answer #2

God created human beings along with other creatures, so that he could test them for their wisdom and state of being. God decided to create mankind can appreciate the purpose of existance, the intelligence god has provided over other living creatures and thank him.

They are living beings in this world tree, animals, insects, micro-organisms etc. but they dont know the purpose of their living. They live until they live and die.

Mankind was created to establish family, social life, hardwork, earn bread, raise children etc. in an orderly and respectable manner. Think about it, we were just a spern in the loin who had no teeth, hair or nails. God gave us a life form so that we develop into sensible being and perform good deeds.

We live in this world thanks to god so that we live sensibly and leave a leagacy behind that continues. Legacy means our children and the means of life and legitimate livelihood we teach them.

Our life since we attain sensibility and puberty is similar to a a piece of blank paper that we take during examination with a specific period of time say 3 hour exam. during this exam we may scribble, write rubbish and fail or we can prepare ourself thoroughly, write sense and pass through ith good marks.

Similarly in our life we have options of living as we are like meaning dont appreciate living, do as we like, hurt others, bully others, theft, cheat, sinful acts, fornication, disrespect elders etc. or we have the option of following the laws of god and restrain ourself from evil and sinful activities and thank him for creating us with knowledge and ability to differentiative between good and bad.The final result will be dispatched on the day of judgement.

I am not preaching any religion or want anyone to convert. It is my direct answer to the question. Anybody wishes to debate on the existance of God, your most kindly welcome.

God bless us and our planet.

Answer #3

Dearest Toothpick,

That sounds as if your God is giving you some sort of an intelligence test. If you make the right choices, good things happen to your soul. Is that what you’re saying?

Very Respectfully, Bootleg_Betty

Answer #4

whateva 13 child, in my opinion that was the respond and you dont have any right to belittle my belief and faith.

Answer #5

ratcappa, toothpick so basically your God created humans for entertainment purposes such as “testing”(though he needn’t test, he knows everything so it would be more like toying), & to be praised & self glorified.

Answer #6

I personally believe he did so we could praise him not necessarily like singing or stuff like that but with our lives and quite honestly the dude is worthy enough to make people for the sole purpose of praise

im not saying that that is the only reason im sure he also did it because he loves us and wanted us to have life

Answer #7

why not? =)

Answer #8

You have it backwards - humans created god.

Answer #9

He didn’t, man evolved through ape like creatures, did you not listen to your biology teacher when you were in school?

Answer #10

Why not ask him yourself? If he doesn’t answer, consider the possibility that no-one is listening.

Answer #11

he probably woke up one day and decided to make them but.. who knows!

Answer #12

im a proud athiest and dont beleive in any religion or “god” so in my opinion, he didnt

Answer #13

for a very reasonable reason that no one knows!

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