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Why create humans capable of sin?
Why would God create humans capable of sin? vulnerable to cancer/disease/illness? And wars?
God sent us here with free will to choose for ourselves right, or wrong. we then are accountable for those decisions. If he hadn’t given us free will and accountability, we would be forced to always do the right thing, and would never learn for ourselves what “right” is. what kind of life would that be?
we were sent to earth (partially) to be put through a test. We are here to prove where our loyalties lie.
Sin came into the world when man CHOSE to disobey God by eating of the Tree of good and evil. God being Perfect is not Evil But knows it Man an imperfect being and not a robot gained knowledge of good and evil by choosing to disobey Gods command and ate of the tree of Good and evil. this single act introduced sin into the world Making us free to screw up and let us fill out heads with ignorant knowledge that is from other imperfect .
Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For seeing that in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom knew not God, it was God’s good pleasure through the foolishness of the preaching to save them that believe. (1Co 1:20-21 ASV)
And once again the non believers have proven Paul correct. 1Co 1:18 For the word of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us who are saved it is the power of God.
Some down thru history have not sinned and they were translated to heaven, but the rest of the human population are BIG time sinners thanks to our first parents; Adam and Eve. I have often wondered if it had been me insteaf of Eve, would I have resisted Satan’s tempation…guess we’ll never know
The same people above arguing that sin is the result of free will, will no doubt tell you that heaven is void of sin. In other words, free will is extinguished in heaven.
We are animals, just like monkeys at the zoo. We do what we want to do. Our actions are influenced by instinct and programming. The way we are raised has the biggest influence on our actions. When we die, we decompose and turn into dirt. Enough said.
If you don’t believe in God then there is no sin. God showed us what is sin in His laws, the Ten Commandments.
IN the beginning God gave Adam and Eve freedom of choice. They disobeyed God by believing Satan’s lie “you shall not surely die” since then the human race has be in a downward spiral.
It was not God’s intention that we sin, but we did. So, God made a way of escape. He sent Jesus to show us the way back to God.
God and Reincarnation
I believe that God is a Creative Entity, Energy or Force that is found in a state of awareness outside of the universe and time.
I believe that God chose to morph part of Itself into minute particles of Itself described as entities or spirits and gave them the purpose to go forth and experience, gain knowledge and eventually return into the Oneness of God.
I believe that those collective entities created the universe and, utilizing evolution as a tool, created that that is life so that they could inhabit various bodies in order to gain experience and knowledge.
Prior to incarnating into a physical body the entity chooses what it wants to accomplish and what the probable circumstances involving that body and its environment will be. When the situation is right the entity then begins to dwell within the physical body, probably around the time of its birth.
When the body dies the entity dwells in a state of awareness where it can see whether it met its goals and what gains and losses it may have attached to its being. It then, again, decides what future goals it wants to achieve and reincarnates when the conditions are appropriate.
Ultimately, after incarnating as many times as necessary to attain its goals, the entity gravitates back into the Oneness of God adding to the fulfillment thereof.
I choose
I chose to be born, to live or die, Even the sex, that would be I; I chose the race, from which to appear, Also my wealth, my health and my fear.
I chose my trials and stumbling blocks, And the legs I would use, in all of those walks; I chose my sadness, my joy and my love, I chose to serve and not be above.
I chose this life with all of its dues, And with each dawn, again I choose; The experiences for me that wait ahead, To be alive, or be claimed dead.
And of the future lives I’ve yet, It is my choice that I begat; All the things, however pleasin’, That shall befall me in those seasons.
The above is my opinion which is expounded upon in my treatise A Search For Truth:
(If it’s not an active link then simply copy and paste it into your browser’s Address box.)
From my chosen path I stray, Yet my God any’er turns away; For I have learned – and understand, That where God is – is where I am!
God desires a fellowship with individuals that prove their faith in him, as well as their allegiance to him. Satan was once in heaven, yet, he rebelled against God, trying to prove that he was equal to God, he was removed and placed on this earth. God uses him to test us and prove us, so that we will be fit candidates for his new heaven. There will be no sin there. We prove our loyalty here on earth. When our time is up here, we stand before the lamb, to be judged.
God did not want robots. He wants humans that choose him over sin.
* The Bible doesn’t explain human suffering. Even the book of Job, But it does address the issue of what right do we have to question God and the fact that we do not understand the ways of God.
You’d prefer we be controlled drones with no free will or mind of our own? If that were the case, what would people like you have to complain about all the time?
We complain about having the ability to make bad choices, but I think we would complain more about the inability to make any choice at all.
If a loving god did exist, stopping things like famine, war, disease, etc. would not interfere with human free will. It would just be stopping a lot of unnecessary suffering. Why does someone die of starvation every 5 seconds? Why do earthquakes kill thousands and leave thousands more in wretched poverty? How would putting an end to these things make us drones or zombies who just blindly follow God?
The Bible doesn’t explain human suffering. Even the book of Job, which is a classic discussion of the issue, doesn’t leave the reader with a satisfying answer. If your question leads you to doubt the existence of God, then that’s not a bad thing. Being willing to change your views in light of new thoughts or evidence is a sign of intelligence.
Wouldn’t we be boring if we were perfect. God must get a lot of enjoyment out of us. Think of how sad and funny we must be when he sees us and all we do.
almost everyone is capable of sin. and I dont believe in god
There ae many answers to questions we won’t know or truely understand until we get to Heaven.
God didn’t create us like this, man choose to sin
entertianment of course… just kidding. I think god wants to test us to see if we are able to over come sin.
Ever heard of free will. . .
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