How much bigger is the world's largest star, VY Canis Majoris, than the sun?

Answer #1

According to wolfram alpha the largest known star is 4.8*10³¹ kg.

The sun is 1,988435*10³° kg

10³¹/10 is 10³°… 4.8/1.988435 is 2,413958716… 2,413958716*10 is 24,13958716. So if i’m not totally confused about those large numbers, the star is somewhat more than 24 the size of the sun.

Answer #2

thank you for your answer but you are totally wrong :( Comparing sun with VY Canis Majoris is like comparing an ant with a blue whale. It should be thousands times larger than the sun

Answer #3

OKay, I’m not used to these large numbers with 10^x. I learned about them in school some years ago, but you never come across them in real life. So I Probably didn’t do the calculation right. Okay I’ll try again…

Answer #4

4.810³¹ kg / 1,98843510³°kg

10¹ is 10 10² is 100 10³ is 1000 10^4 is 10000 10^30 must be 1000000000000000000000000000000 (30 zeros) So the suns mass is 1988453000000000000000000000000 kg 10³¹ must me a 1 with 31 zeros 10000000000000000000000000000000 So the mass of the star is 48000000000000000000000000000000 kg Dividing, i still get to a factor of 24,139368645

Wolfram alpha also said it had 24 solar masses.

Yet the mass of a star is not saying anything about its circumference. So the sun might be made of much much denser material than the super-giant star. Like one kilogram of steam is much larger than one kilogram of water. I don’t know. The star is also much hotter than the sun.

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