Who here thinks there should be tougher gun control laws in the US?

Answer #1

ME i hear alll the time on the news about crossfires and police men being shot…innocint by standers and ppl trying to do good are being killed….for no reason

Answer #2

Thank you for your reply Deverz

Answer #3

No probs i speak the truth…..and the truth is painful to listen too….especially for the people near them…scared for life

Answer #4

I do, it’s just like making it way to easy for criminals to kill people, yes people should be aboe to get guns, for like a safety emergency and stuff, but it should be a bit more work so people can do that.

Answer #5

I completely agree, and thanks for your strong opinions

Answer #6

absolutely. It scares me to even think that everyone of you in the us have a gun. Most times when theres a shooting its in the u so i would think it would be for the best if they make tougher gun control laws.

Answer #7

Yes so do I, but there are so many people in this country that just won’t ever let that happen…here is hoping for a change and real soon. Thanks for your reply

Answer #8

no problem :)

Answer #9

Yup, I completely agree with you…our laws must made a lot stronger so people will not feel afraid that they will be caught in some crossfire or something along those lines as that

Answer #10

Taking away the right to bear arms would help the bad people and put the good people at a serious disadvantage. Most criminals don’t get their guns legally; they steal them or buy them off of other people who stole them. Because of this, their “gun ownership” is not documented anywhere and there would be no way for the government to know that they had them. They would not get rid of their guns if a new law was made, because they obviously don’t care about the laws…

Answer #11

Yes u are true that in most instances u can trace the more heinous crimes to guns that were stolen and used for criminal purposes. My question and why this came to mind, was the tragedy that happened a few weeks ago in Arizona

Answer #12

It’s really a matter of opinion.

They tried banning firearms altogether in Russia a while ago. Then, when the communists went to take over Russia, no Russian citizens had any guns to fight back with.

But this is not to say that everyone owning semi-automatic shotguns is a good thing either.

I think gun control laws are fine how they are. There’s always going to be people that will get around them anyway.

Answer #13

i think they should make it tougher to get guns, but i also think that people should be able to a a CC liscense easier, if you think about it, if the bad guy wants a gun, hes gunna get one some way or another. hes not gunna follow the rules. so by making gun laws we are really penalizing the law abiding people. California has really tough laws. i just recently baught an Ar-15 and it took FOREVER!! they have to do a full background check and everything. and then once that is all done and i can buy the gun, i cant actually take it home for 10 days. i think that there are some places in the US that dont need any gun control laws, and then there are others that do.
I think that if everyone had a gun, then it would be harder for the bad guy to get the edge.

Answer #14

;) thnx and ur so welcome thnx for asking a question tht actually makes sense haha

Answer #15

This is a matter of perspective… and unfortunately too many young people gain their perspective from agenda driven outlets. The shooting in Tucson was tragic… but despite the rampant media hyperbole regarding the event… multitudes more people have been killed in areas and states where gun control measures have been enforced. It is extremely important that we never take someones word for granted… and research for ourselves. Research cointelpro… find out how often the U.S. government has used agents provocateur to sway public opinion against dissident groups:


Find out how many millions of disarmed political/religious dissidents have been mur*dered by their totalitarian governments:


We have a 2nd amendment for a reason. It isn’t there to ensure we have a means of attaining sustenance… or for sport. It is there to acknowledge and guard our individual right to be secure in our persons and property from any threat be it in the form of assailant or rogue government.

“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”

–Thomas Jefferson, quoting Cesare Beccaria in On Crimes and Punishment (1764).

Answer #16

Actually, the Russian Revolutions were popular with citizens. The revolution was citizens and militias overthrowing the Tsarist government and putting a socialist state in its place.

Answer #17

I totally agree!

Answer #18

we have something here called FREEDOM

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