The real democratic question

Is the real democratic question? Obama vs mccain Or Obama vs palin

Answer #1

well, lets see , dems have the major opposition to domestic oil production for DECADES. not years DECADES..c’mon we all know they’ve had it capped and restricted for most of MY adult life..then they pass a bill , in the night, to allow drilling 50-100 miles? means more pipe , taller mechanisms etc… AND THE OIL IS WITHIN 50 MILES AND THEY KNOW IT…hey I live in ma windfarms because of a view? now I’m thinkin about J Kerry good greif…and the “they” that ha sshaped Obama, rev wright, chicago thugs, and the mainstream so called “drive by “ media…you DO bring up some good points, but watch friday night when the bell rings and see whose experience leaves them standing…and as far as the Clintons, well I only count as one vote, but I think a lot of people still arent ready for a woman president, especially Hillary Clinton. woman vice president ,yes but not pres… some comedian once said”if there were ever a woman president, nothing would ever happen, except every 30 days there’d be intense negotiations” hmmm

Answer #2

I am sick of people using his AGE as an excuse. My grandfather lived until he was 87. He died of kidney failure do to malpractice on the part of his heart doctor. My great-grandmother is in her 90’s and still alive and my great great grandmother lived to 102.

Age has absolutely nothing to do with his campaign. He wouldnt be running if he thought he was going to be dying anytime soon.

And, to answer your question, I think it has become a race between Obama and Palin instead of Obama and McCain. Lately it has seemed to become an election based on color or gender. a lot of people that I have talked to have said “I am going to vote for the black guy because we need some color in the white house.” and I have talked to people who have said “This country needs a feminie touch. I think I’ll vote for the woman.” We need to step back and listen to the issues. If need be close your eyes a listen so that you are not blinded by prejudice. Or, have someone of an unbiased stand point tell you of the issues. That way you dont know who is the woman and who is the man.

Answer #3

irrismith, if you expect anyone to give you any credibility, you must stop parroting right-wing talking points. Think for yourself man… Come up with something original, instead repeating the same lies you are told over and over again.

Answer #4

if the question is Obama vs McCain or Palin? both of them have more qualifications than Obama, and they have never confused their religion

Answer #5

Fau, have you never had a slip of the tounge. He meant to say 47. Do you really think a Harvard Magna Cum Laude graduate doesn’t know how many states there are.

Yes many people live to a ripe old age. That doesn’t mean they are fit to be commander in chief.

Answer #6

Again, not sure what you mean, however, this is more relevant… McCain is OLD, and therefore it is a possibility that Palin becomes the president…

Answer #7

“well, lets see , dems have the major opposition to domestic oil production for DECADES. not years DECADES..”

irrissmith, Please provide the source for this accusation. And increasing domestic oil production will virtually zero effect on the price of gas. We currently consume 25% of the worlds oil. We produce only 3%. Even if we could double our production (which is no possible, it would have no effect on the global price. Just because we produce in domestically, it still goes on the global market. Drilling for more oil is not the answer.. We need alternative and renewable energy sources. It has been the republicans that have blocked any progress on that front. You should watch the movie Who Killed the Electric Car.

Answer #8

irrismith, you are hopeless.

Who is the “they” who are telling Obama everything. You obvioulsy aren’t paying attention. Obama is an extrememly gifted person, who is more than capable of running this country. His rise to prominence came despite some strong opposition from one of the toughest political brands in the country, the Clintons. And he still came out on top, and is still going strong. It is not a fluke, and he is not being propped up there as an empty suit like Bush was.

And please explain to me exactly what the Dems did that caused the price of gas to go up so much?

Answer #9

sorry , but I was concerened the day I found out he was going over ther. imean really, does Obama really beleive that he is everything they are telling him? I kinda feel bad for him on a personal level because if he loses this election, he will probably be all done politically, and I feel he was pushed along by people who thought he would “capture” America.well, I dont have time for this right now, have to get to work so I can pay 3.80 a gallon for gas,, thx dems

Answer #10

A lot of people are listening to the issues… they dont want to be in an endless war that has destroyed the economy and has left the country in a ridiculous amount of debt, they dont want a woman who doesnt support reproductive rights or hasnt been out of the country, they want someone who is going to bring back a middle class and stop giving tax cuts to the rich, and someone who doesnt think that it’s possible to make “everyone rich” (I’m sorry but unless you instill some sort of communist policy that isnt likely to happen).but does realize that it is possible to help the poor and the middle class

And to fau, have the guts to stand up for what you believe…

Answer #11

‘met with a head of state” if we are referring to obamas visit to IRAQ where he met with the prime minister and asssked him to delay troop withdrawl until after the january inauguration of the new administration, completely out of his boundaries and possibly an action in breach of the Logan Act. do you mean that head of state ? has he secretly negotiated with others?

Answer #12

I am not sure where you are getting your figures georgeneatwaggem, so I can’t account for their accuracy, but there is no doubt the new president is going to have many, many challenges. I think the dems and obama are the best chance to “best solve the problem”. However I have no delusions that all these problems will be “solved” by the next president, nor the one after that. These problems will be addressed by Obama with the best interests of the American people, and not corporate America. The only thing we can do at this point is head in a new direction, because the direction we are on now is leading to disaster. McCain is more of the same. We need a change in direction.

Answer #13

Fau, please show me where ty said that one would not have the “right” to hold office? Please stop with the ridiculous accusations. Although I do think that someone who has never met with a head of state, or even been out of the country, does matter. It may not disqualify them on that alone, but with Palin, it is just one of many reasons why she is not qualified to be president.

If the dems get 60 seats in the senate, then you will see significant changes. As long as we can by pass the do-nothing republicans in congress.

Answer #14

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

  McCain is 72. His mother is a healthy 96. I think longevity may be in his genes. The most likely worry would be whether his cancer returns.

I think it is Obama vs McCain AND Palin. I think that the McCain/Palin team will be one of the best teams that has ever led America.

Answer #15

The real democratic question is, who else is running?

Answer #16

McCain and Bidden Chosen by Baby Boomers Born between 1946 and 1964 Nearly 80 million living. Women 50% Black 10% Hispanic 10%

25% of population of any state 32% in Alaska, Vermont, New Hampshire

Health Care cost currently avg $2000 per year Increase $100 per year per boomer 80 million times $100 = $8 billion

About 3.3 workers to pay one Social Security Check About 2.1 workers by time boomers all retire Sounds like a 30% tax increase to me.

We should be considering who will best solve the problem.

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