Is the ability of a woman being questioned ?

Generic question: If a woman is running for Vice President as a Democrat, married with children and some are questioning her ability to properly take care of her family given the responsibilities of the office - and the same issue was not raised in the past when a male was going to Washington as a Senator, a Republican (1 parent) with children - Would it appear her ability to handle work/family is being questioned because she is a woman ?

Answer #1

amblessed, why do you insist on framing questions as you do. One does not need names to understand what you are asking. Regardless of party, no one is “questioning her ability to properly take care of her family given the responsibilities of the office”. We are questioning her judgement in wanting to take a position that will basically remove her from the family during a time of major crises. And if you don’t consider a 4 month old downs syndrome baby, and a pregnant teen as being major crises, (and lets not forget troopergate) than I would say your family values are kind of skewed.

Answer #2

Since no names are being mentioned…let’s just say “a woman with a bunch of kids”…can she handle the job?? Uh…yeah…did y’all forget she has a husband?? Plus those older kids love that baby…in any family with lots of kids, the oldest really do care for the younger ones…

What are you getting so irked about leevan…you don’t live in this half of the world.


Answer #3

You know (I am belssed, too by the way) we Americans live in a crappy little political box. Look at all the other countries that have had female leaders. The real issue insn’t gender. Its the media. They are out of touch with America and try to manipulate what we think.

Last night I heard Sen. Obama say that family is off limits, and that his own mother was only 18 when she had him. But this morning the news channels were having a grand ole time with the story about Gov. Palin’s daughter being pregnant.

The media isn’t respecting the Senator or the Governor here. Hype Hype Hype. There is no gener issue.

Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meier, Indira Gandhi, and many queens down through the ages. And of course when Senator Clinton was running for office the media didn’t question her ability… her husband has heart trouble, her husband is known to have cheated on her. Good grief, they make an issue that Gov. Palin’s husband had a DUI 22 years ago, but never mention what Pres. Clinton did under the desk with M.Monica.

Answer #4

Oh please amblessed… Generic?

First off being a senator is not a heart beat away from the president. The stakes are much higher. Particularly with an old president. It has nothing to do with her ability to handle it. It has to do with her judgement in accepting such a position when her family is going through such difficult times. In addition to her complete and utter lack of qualifications for the job.

Answer #5

jimahl - the question mentions no names and in the question the woman running for VP is a DEMOCRAT - nice partisan rant / whine / stomping your feet / spin / doing your best to harass and avoid the issue, but you failed to answer this simple generic question - hope you’ll try it again, I know you’re not stupid, just as I’m sure you never like to revert to name-calling…Take care !!

Answer #6

I don’t think the ability of being a woman as VP shouldn’t be the problem. But, it is being questioned if she can really handle taking care of her family and work as VP at the same time. I’m sure allot of people are questioning her ability to run as VP let alone the family part of it. She has so much on her plate. Now that Sarah Palan has a pregnant daughter and a baby with special needs, people are questioning on how she’s going to take care of her daughter and the baby at the same time while handling affairs in Washington. I know she can do this! She has the right too. No one can stop Sarah from running as VP. I mean look at it this way, people probably are still attacking her still. I think she’ll have better ideas for the country then the Obama/Biden people will ever have.

Answer #7

Palin supported Pat Buchanan for president. One more reason to doubt her judgement.

Answer #8

um no because

1- shes inexperienced…a bit 2- 90% of americans do not know her

Answer #9

Running the Country is a very important job. If she has children, she should be raising them…not be dealing with Wars that are unnecessary in the first place. I’m sure she could manage it, but why should she? I’d hate for my mother to be taking care of America when she’d be missing me grow up. She would be missing too much precious time with her kids! That’s just not right…not one bit. Does McCain even know this person?

Answer #10


Margaret Thatcher, Indira Gandhi, Hillary Clinton didn’t have 5 kids and 1 grandchild, one of which suffers from Down’s Syndrome, did they?

Its not the ability of women being questioned, it’s the screwed up priorities that Palin has that irks me

Answer #11

hollywoodbabe - Who are you talking about - no person’s name is mentioned - it’s a generic question - hope you’ll answer again.

Answer #12

Thanks all for your insightful comments, appreciate it !!

Answer #13

kidcharlemagne: They always mention Pres. Clinton and that lady, where have you been these last 8 years?

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