Is telling someone what they want to hear considered lying?

Answer #1

If its not the truth than yes.

Answer #2

Sometimes it’s considered a “white lie” if you’re telling them what they want to hear in order to spare their feelings. It’s still a lie, though, even if it has good intentions.

Answer #3

I think in some situations it definitely is. For example, a boyfriend telling his girlfriend that he finally quit smoking, just so she would stay with him, is lying. Although, I don’t think it’s necessarily lying if a girl asks her boyfriend if she looks fat in a certain shirt, and he says no. It would obviously hurt her feelings if he told her that it IS kinda unflattering, so the question kinda set him up for failure haha.

Answer #4

if its not the truth then yes it is :P

Answer #5

not telling someone something or a part of a story being left out is also a lie or is called a “half truth”

Answer #6

Technically, I suppose, but lying to protect someone isn’t necessarily a bad thing.We lie every day for many different reasons.

We lie to ourselves. “I don’t have time to work out” We lie to our friends. “Don’t cry, it’s ok that you broke my favorite vase” We lie to our bosses “I don’t mind working late” We lie to our employees “We’ve just been bought out but your jobs are safe”

I firmly believe in being “dishonest” if it doesn’t hurt anything.

Answer #7

more like, selective in the use of facts, but in other words yes lying

Answer #8

Off the subject but you look exactly like my niece

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