Tattoos: a forgivable sin?

I know…in the bible it says not to get a tatoo. But…is it a sin that can be forgiven?

Answer #1

Ok I think that this could depend grately on the tatoo you are going to get, but I wan’t to point out that It is not necessarily a sin to get this. In bibles times tatoos or markings were much different than what we have today. Back then stuf like that was very unsafe and unsanitary. Nobody knew about germs and infections and so cuts and markings had a great potential to be more dangerous than they are today. Also what the verse up above is specificaly refering to is markings having to do with the dead. Back then and still today people mark themselves for spiritual purposes. These purposes was often about calling the dead and old ansestors. God didn’t want his people to do that stuff so He prohibited the Jews to mark their bodies with symbols of the dead. Makes sence but certainly doesn’t apply for ever tatoo you see today. I would encourage you to stay away from tatoos having to do with the dead. The Bible does not say that you cannot get a tatoo. It does say to respect and protect your body. It also says to do things that respect and honor other people. It also says to do everything with good motives and integrity. If you think that by getting this tatoo, you can avoid offending close people you know as well as being reasonable and respecting your body as well as doing it with good intentions, not just to be rebelious, then I say go for it. I personaly would not want a marking on my body that would stay with me for life. Esspecialy one with a questionable message. Like I said before, its more of an issue of what tatoo you are intersted in and the motives and consequences.

Answer #2

yeah but supposedly if you get one that… well for example lets say you get a tattoo that goes all the away around your wrist, like a bracelet, you wont have a hand in heaven. If you go all the way around a body part you wont have it in heaven, least that’s what I’ve heard.

Answer #3

Every sin is forgivable. :) that’s the beauty of God’s grace.. That doesn’t mean that we should go and sin all we’d like though. Personally I don’t think that tattoos are a sin. It’s a matter of adiophora , something God neither forbids nor commands. So its basically a judgement call.

Answer #4

according the bible pretty much everything is a sin you could be a murderer, then just want to be saved and suddenly that makes everything okay I hate the bible and what thoughts it promotes… so dont let a book stop you

Answer #5

All sins can be forgiven,(with the posible exception of blasphemy) but this is never a liscence to sin. Everytime you sin you drive a wedge between you and God that then has to be painfully removed to come back into deep fellowship with him. Its not worth living your life that way.

Answer #6

haha personally, im not going to have some book rule my life. I dont believe in god, but if christians are so into excepting everybody then why are they’re so many rules? I don’t know whatever, get the tattoo.

Answer #7

lol, it also says women shouldnt speak in church…

and for the ones who will no doubtedly ask for where it says that

‘Women should be silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak, but should be submissive, as the law also says.’ (1 Corinthians 14:34)

Answer #8

uuh it doesn’t matter! cover your body with tattoos if YOU want! Don’t worry about what happens after you die! Enjoy life and have fun! Life Is Too Short

Answer #9

I am a Christian and I have tattoos. one says “God Forgive me”. I dont think God will forbid me from going to heaven for it. you’ll be okay

Answer #10

actually in the bible there is no “sin” against tattoos. Although I don’t get the bible anyways… religious freaks will try and say it is… But it’s not.

Answer #11

I know plenty of Christians who have Tattoos. . . Including myself. we all make mistakes and they are forgivable. . . I’m having my Tattoo removed Cosmetically . . .Slow painful and expensive. .

Answer #12


Answer #13

well if you know its a sin why do it. the bible say you should not distroy the temple of god and your body is called the temple of god and you should not harm your body in any form. to me I don’t think you will bef 4given if you do it. am in the same place of you I want to get the tatoo but am afaird of doing it knowing what the bibl say.

Answer #14

only you can determine that, it’s one of the grey areas of the Bible, but the Bible says your body is the temple of Christ, so like if you get a flower tattoo, or like a cross or something, I don’t see it being bad, but if you get like a tattoo that doesn’t look to presentable, or isn’t God-honoring, that might not be good.God is not going to tell you directly what is wrong, if you’re a christian, and you read the Bible, and spend time in church, you should be able to determine what’s right or wrong. If you’re a christian, and trying to do what’s right in God’s eye, you should detwrmine what’s right and wrong to God. God doesn’t need to answer, if you’re a christian, Jesus is in you, and he helps decide what’s right and wrong, to you.

Answer #15

Leviticus 19:28 says “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.” This is a clear Old Testament prohibition against tattoos in my mind.

However, whether it’s a sin or not is debatable. Are Christians bound by all OT law or just the parts they find tolerable? In my opinion, if this verse does not apply to Christians today, then the Ten Commandments doesn’t apply either.

I believe that this instruction (like most of the dress codes in the NT) are meant to clearly distinguish the believer (Jew or Christian) from pagans. The pagan peoples loved to tattoo themselves and I figure this prohibition was a way for God’s people to be set apart.

Answer #16

Ask god to tell you if he doesn’t like it. If he fails to answer, that means it’s ok.

Answer #17

ooops. I’m in trouble so!! :)

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