What can make sore muscles stop aching if it's from exercising muscles you hardly use?

Answer #1

There is a spray called linimist that you can buy at your local pharmacy, If that doesn’t help you should continue to do those exercises so your muscles get use to them.

Answer #2

i would put icy hot on it…now that stuf works realllly well but its very powerful so make sure u use it right

Answer #3

tried to answer this earlier and lost my message =( Drink a lot of water, stretch (before and/or after workout/sport), yoga, hot bath or shower.. hot and cold compresses placed one after the other on the area of discomfort. If this pain your having is caused by a regular workout routine you will gradually have less pain because the muscles will start to build muscle memory and they will be more used to doing the work so in turn they won’t really hurt or not for long at all..

Answer #4

i use a hot water bottle (douchebag) wrapped in a towel, pressed against the soreness. it works great for cramps too.

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