What's the difference between a Democrat and a Republican?

whats the difference between a democrat and a republican?

Answer #1

On a previous question, filletofspam gave the answer that Democrats think the government can be best trusted to meet the needs of the country, and Republicans think that business can be best trusted to do the same. That definition intrigues me. Do the rest of you agree with it?

Answer #2


I have a second degree in Political Science so I could tell you pretty much anything you want to know. I think the main thing is to DECIDE FOR YOURSELF which of the two sides you believe in. Asking on forums like this will often give you very biased answers. I’m going to list what each of the two parties believe in, and then you should pick for yourself based on which you agree with more.

(Also, there are gray areas in everything…these are severe generalizations).

Democrats: Generally support welfare programs (aiding the poor, food stamps, etc.) Believe in strong gun control (restrictions on buying guns) Oppose the death penalty Believe in the women’s right to choose an abortion Separation of church and state (religion should not be in politics) Internationally, support aid to other countries and do not support the War (generally) Support equality/gay civil unions and gay rights

Republicans: Do not support welfare programs- believe people should work for their money Do not believe in gun control- believe owning a gun is a person’s right In favor of the death penalty Believe abortion is wrong Supportive of the War on Terror (although many have lost support for it lately)…

There is a strong religious wing of Republicans who believe that prayer in schools is OK, gay people are sinners, etc.

Hope that helps…

Answer #3

Democrats favor a larger role for the Federal government, whereas Republicans favor a larger role for the Federal government. Other than that, they merely squabble about which method to use to shake us down, and who to pay off with the money they took from us.

Republicans like to pretend they are for smaller government, but when they actually had the opportunity to do something about it (control of both houses and the Presidency), they showed their true pork colors and exploded government like never seen before.

Answer #4

democrat is when the government is taking decisions on a democrat(clever) way and people also have an opinion to chose … where a republican , dont think they are allowed to speak… and the government controls everything ,(im a bit confused with republican and comunism ???)

Answer #5

Now now some of you are taking away from the point of what is the difference personal view shouldn’t come into it. It was not what was asked.

Answer #6

theres republicrats and demicans the real discussion should be conservative vs. liberal right vs. left conservative believe in tradition while the liberals believe tradition isn’t important. liberals are “if it feels good do it” which isn’t always good for you. conservatives believe in smaller government resulting in lower taxes. liberal believe in larger government resulting in higher taxes. liberals believe thats its societies fault that someone has failed not the individuals fault for being lazy. conservative lean more towards capitalism while liberals lean towards socialism.

Google socialism and read the definition and then google capitalism and you will notice a tremendous differents.

thank for reading my input

Answer #7

Is it possible to be one or the other, but not believe in ALL of the things associated with that party?

Answer #8

I was just wondering that, I don’t know either. lol

Answer #9

flossheal:. I was saying that when someone is a moderate that it often comes down to their political philosophy to determine which political party is a better fit. Whether someone trusts government or business more is one of the biggest philosophical differences in the parties. There are lots of people who base the party they belong to on issues rather than philosophy; this is especially true of single issue voters.

Answer #10

…conservatives wanted to keep the tradition of slavery, liberals wanted to change it. Both conservatism and liberalism are inherently bad, since both represent inflexible and irrational emotional positions.

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