What could represent people from the play Romeo & Juliet?

I have a project to do on Romeo and Juliet. I have to pick 3 charecters (I am thinking about Romeo, Juliet, and the Friar) and write their names on a bag. Then i have to put 5 things in each bag that repersent them. And then write like a 30 word explanation as to why i think it repersents them. Any ideas?

Answer #1

I’ve got nothing. I’M TRYING TO THINK OF SOMETHING!!! man! If I come up with something, I’ll re-post.Sorry I was no help!

Answer #2

I’ve got nothing. I’M TRYING TO THINK OF SOMETHING!!! man! If I come up with something, I’ll re-post.Sorry I was no help!

Answer #3

I’ve got nothing. I’M TRYING TO THINK OF SOMETHING!!! man! If I come up with something, I’ll re-post.Sorry I was no help!

Answer #4

I’ve got nothing. I’M TRYING TO THINK OF SOMETHING!!! man! If I come up with something, I’ll re-post.Sorry I was no help!

Answer #5

What about something about love, something about giving up all hope, something about poison, a knife as well representing death, or something representing death. That is about all I can think about the moment.

Answer #6

i amso just found out that i can do charactors from the books “Loard Of The Flies”

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