What do you think are reasonable punishments for people who commit environmental crimes?

Such as killing an endangered animal, being responsible for a major industrial accident, polluting a river, etc…

Answer #1

Ja il, for atleast a year. >.>

Answer #2

Depends on the crime.

Answer #3

Hit them where it hurts the most, their wallets. If they are careless enough to contribute to the damage to the environment, fine them big time. If it means a person losing homes so to pay for the clean up so be it… If it is a corporation or small business, fine them according to what they make. Corporate, a fine over $5 millions and small business $500,000 if they intentionally pollute the environment without any strategic plans to combat industrial accidents or hazards…..Another less effective method is name and shame these environmental criminals.

Answer #4

They shuld do commonity service involving the emviroment.

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