Is Capital Punishment Wrong?

Is Capital Punishment Wrong?…First time poster..Hi Rob and Shannon:>

Answer #1

I agree with rnealw. And we don’t “kill people to show killing is wrong”, we kill them because they’re bad people and they deserve to die.

Answer #2

Capital Punishment.. you mean like, the death sentence? If so, I believe it’s wrong.

If someone does something wrong, why would you kill them? It’s like saying, “It’s wrong for you to kill someone (or whatever they did), but we can kill people.”

That makes no sense to me.

Answer #3

I would say it is not wrong for this reason: In the bible it says “Obey the laws of the land”…which means whatever the laws may be it is our obligation to follow that. You can have your own opinion though. I certainly have mine. :)

Answer #4

Capital punishment is given for the worse crimes only and I do not find it wrong. . . what I find wrong is for Tax payers to have to pay for a Murderer to sit in prison 3 square meals Ac/Heat and a bed to sleep on for the next 20 or 80 years. . . .

Answer #5

It’s a tough call … is one death equilvaent to another? I don’t find it wrong but I don’t find it right either. In a way it is taking the easy way out because people who commit crimes just die. like yeah it’s probably scary thinking about dying but once it’s done then it’s over. Its running away in a sense instead of living out their crime in jail and thinking about how many people they have destroyed. I think thats worse than the death penalty in my opinion but the reason we have the death penalty is because we can’t afford to keep criminals in jail anymore therefore the ones who have murdered or somethings really bad just are sentence to the death penalty. our system is very flawed but in reality theres not way to fix it unless people are willing to pay more money.

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