Who should win the '08 Presidential Election?

Who do you think should win the 2008 Presidential Election?

Answer #1

I would love to see Hillary Clinton win! It would be great to have a woman in charge for once, and I strongly think that she is the best candidate anyway, despite gender. I am a democrat, but I still like her ideas and goals for this country the most!

Answer #2

Unfortunately, it looks like the one who would ‘walk the walk’, not ‘do as I say, not as I do’, isn’t in the race at this time….Fred T.

Answer #3

I haven’t yet formed a solid opinion. I read an article about the democrats weak party line on the global trade issue, which is near & dear to my heart, because I firmly believe that while globalization has some drawbacks the benefits outweigh the negatives.

However, the past two republican presidents both invaded other countries. This isn’t a sound globalization policy either. I’m a registered democrat, so will be voting in their primaries, however, when both parties have a candidate, then I’ll commit to one or the other.

Answer #4

you know, ive personally met chris dodd. hes a senator from connecticut. i think hes good, but i personally favor barack obama. i think hes what the country needs. it couldnt get any more screwed up no matter who wins though! lol..

Answer #5

I think Denis Kucinish should win but of course he won’t.

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