What is the difference in republican and democrat

What is the difference in republican and democrat

Answer #1

Well, I’d like to preface my list with the fact that there really isn’t much difference in practice. It’s all rhetoric (what they say). Beyond that, the parties really are indistinguishable.

I think the main thing is to DECIDE FOR YOURSELF which of the two sides you believe in. Asking on forums like this will often give you very biased answers. I’m going to list what each of the two parties believe in, and then you should pick for yourself based on which you agree with more.

(Also, there are gray areas in everything…these are severe generalizations).

Democrats: Generally support welfare programs (aiding the poor, food stamps, etc.) Believe in strong gun control (restrictions on buying guns) Oppose the death penalty Believe in the women’s right to choose an abortion Separation of church and state (religion should not be in politics) Internationally, support aid to other countries and do not support the War (generally) Support equality/gay civil unions and gay rights

Republicans: Do not support welfare programs- believe people should work for their money Do not believe in gun control- believe owning a gun is a person’s right In favor of the death penalty Believe abortion is wrong Supportive of the War on Terror (although many have lost support for it lately)…

There is a strong religious wing of Republicans who believe that prayer in schools is OK, gay people are sinners, etc.

Hope that helps…

Answer #2

* If we lose our freedom in this country, it won’t be because of a foreign invader; it’ll be because our own government took it away from us a bit at a time with one law after another designed to “help” us.

The Patriot Act.


Answer #3

I think we would benefit in returning the name “Democratic-Republican” to a two party system different in name only.

Answer #4

The Republicans want the Republicans to have power, whereas the Democrats want the Democrats to have power.

Beyond that, they’re indistinguishable.

Answer #5

The Republicans I know agree with this assessment of their views:

  • I don’t think some politician in Washington who has never held a job outside of politics in his entire life, has a better handle on what to do with my money than I do.

  • I don’t resent wealthy people. To the contrary, I want to become one of them one day.

  • Government policies should be based on whether they work or not and whether they are constitutional, not on whether they make the people advocating them feel “nice” or “mean.”

  • “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.” In other words, I’m not a victim, you’re not a victim, and 99 times out of a hundred, the person on TV screaming about how he’s a victim, isn’t a victim either. If you’re not happy with your life, it’s your responsibility to fix it, not the government’s responsibility.

  • I don’t get upset that the federal government “doesn’t care about me.” In fact, I’d be pleased if it forgets that I exist.

  • Human beings are inherently superior to animals. That doesn’t mean we should mistreat them or take them for granted, but it does mean that what’s good for humankind is more important than what’s good for animals.

  • I am a citizen of the United States, not a citizen of the world. As such, my loyalty will always belong to this country and its people, not to any other nation, group of nations, or any sort of world governing body.

  • I believe women and men are different, should be treated differently, and are not interchangeable. There are jobs women tend to be better at than men and vice-versa. There are ways a man behaves that women shouldn’t behave in and vice-versa.

  • There are no fantastic new programs left for the federal government to implement.

  • It isn’t the job of the federal government to make us successful; it’s the job of the federal government to create an environment that allows us to make ourselves successful.

  • I believe that citizens of the United States have more to be proud of than the people of other countries and that every one of us should cherish this country and should thank God that we’ve been given the privilege of being part of such a great nation.

  • The market and private industry almost always do a better job of allocating resources than the federal government could ever hope to do so.

  • Morals do matter. “If America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.” If that ever happens, it would be a tragedy not just for us and our children, but for the whole world.

  • “Out of every hundred new ideas ninety-nine or more will probably be inferior to the traditional responses which they propose to replace. No one man, however brilliant or well-informed, can come in one lifetime to such fullness of understanding as to safely judge and dismiss the customs or institutions of his society, for those are the wisdom of generations after centuries of experiment in the laboratory of history.”

  • People of all races should be treated equally and any laws, whether we’re talking about Jim Crow laws or Affirmative Action, that do otherwise are immoral, unconstitutional, and un-American.

  • Having a government that is too involved in our lives is far more of a threat than a government that isn’t involved enough.

  • My priorities are God, family, and country, in that order.

  • Our tax rate is too high as it is and if it’s not producing enough revenue for Washington, D.C. Then they should start trying to live within their means instead of asking us to pony up more money.

  • Life begins at the moment of conception and we have an obligation to speak up for the children that are being exterminated via abortion since they can’t speak up for themselves.

  • I believe the point of allowing people to emigrate to this country should be to benefit the people who are already here. With that in mind, everyone who wants to become an American citizen should come here legally, should learn our national language, which is English, should assimilate, and should pay his own way and be ineligible for programs like welfare and food stamps.

  • I believe in equality of opportunity, not equality of outcomes.

  • The debt we have in this country is not because you haven’t given enough of your money to Washington; it’s because the politicians in Washington have spent too much money.

  • I believe that Southerners, white males, the rich, business owners, Republicans, Christians, and the other groups that the Left looks down its nose at deserve every bit as much respect and protection under the law as the Left’s favorite protected classes and minority groups.

  • There is a meaningful difference between tolerating behavior and deeming it to be acceptable or good.

  • If we lose our freedom in this country, it won’t be because of a foreign invader; it’ll be because our own government took it away from us a bit at a time with one law after another designed to “help” us.

  • We have a moral obligation to leave a better America to our children than our parents left to us.

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