What kind of weight loss pills are available?

Ok, so I’m 15 years old and I feel that I am a bit overweight for my soccer season and it’s very important to be in the best shape possible. But the problem is that It starts in 3 weeks and I need to lose 5 pounds fast. So can someone tell me what kind of over-the-counter weight loss pills are available in a store such as Walmart and ones that don’t cost very much. Thanks ;) preciate it!

Answer #1

yo you should not take diet pills my friend did that and she actually died from them just I have the same problem and I just exercise a lot and eat healthy it helps a lot. I know for a fact that there are no places that sell pills cheap anyway.

Answer #2

hey ima soccer girl and it doesnt matter how much you wheigh for soccer its your muscle mass and so its better to just run and do bleachers or some kind of stairs excersizee

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