Green tea water weight loss pills

Hello, I’m a 24 year old woman and I weight 260lb. I have not loss or gain weight. So I think it is water weight?.. I just got back from the store a got green tea water weight loss pill. Do they work or not!!?!? Please help me!!!1

Answer #1

Sexyme, You need to be real if you are going to lose weight. 260# is not water weight. It is fat. And the only way to lose it is to eat fewer calories, and become more active. As Dr. Drew says,”Eat less. Move more.” Visit a doctor and tell him what you want to do. Get a schedule of how many calories you should aim for. I am a 60 yr. old 6’4” male at about your weight, and I try for 1800 calories a day. That gives me a slow weight loss IF I am active, and not-so-much if I am sedentary. For activity pick something that you like to do as that helps to insure that you will keep up with it. Or recruit a friend to do it with. Good Luck!!

Answer #2

my mum takes it and yes they work good

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