What are perceptions and stereotypes for Native Americans, African Americans, Latinos, Jews, Christians, homosexuals, and Muslims?

Answer #1

(Not to offend, but this is what I’ve heard as steriotypes. WARNING: Do not use these insults in any form to harm another…thank you)

Native Americans: Huge Gamblers. African Americns: Known for Liking Fried chicken (especially Pop-eye’s) , watermelon, and grape soda. Latinos: Known for having cross tattoos on their necks, overusing the word “man” , and known for pimping out their cars. Jewish: Known for being annoying and rich….seen wearing bags of gold around their necks. Christians: Known for never believing in gravity, loving jesus but hating anyone who doesn’t agree, and more noticed for being golf club members who use too much botox. Homosexual/Les: Known for having oddly colored hair, emovers, and hating the opposite sex for no reason. Muslims: Noted to be terrorist, having over 20 wives, making weird noises with their tounges, and being involved with the giant beard conspiracy.

REMINDER: Everything I just stated was never to be used as a joke, or to insult that specific person/race/ethnic/belief. All information came from different things I’ve seen being made fun of from shows, to just generalized ignorance from other people. I have no hatred towards any of the following. :)

Answer #2

just found this photo….

Answer #3

DISCLAIMER: I don’t mean to insult anyone. Like Drew said. These are the stereotypes on US-Americans that circulate in my surroundings.

Over here, it really does not matter whether an American person is a Native American, an American of African, European, Asian or South American Heritage, and it absolutely doesn’t matter what religion an American has. There are a handful of general stereotypes. We can’t afford a greater variety. There are so many other groups (all the neighboring European countries) that we have to stereotype about. So you people have to share these, regardless of what color or faith you are:

  • You all own at least 2 guns or rifles.
  • You drive ridiculously large, petrol-devouring dinosaur-like cars.
  • You wear funny hats (baseball caps or cowboy hats).
  • You are terribly friendly to random strangers and cast broad fake smiles at everyone, even if you think they are a55holes.
  • Other than that, of course you all dress and act like people from the US-American TV series (TV-Series that we import and dub, because our own productions are cr4p). This must be so, because we have no other information on American people.
  • Half of you won’t find Iraq or Afghanistan on a map.
  • And you have neighbors who stand on a corner all day, hold up a sign and protest for or against something. Mostly for or against something that is important in other peoples life but doesn’t touch the protesters life at all.
Answer #4

Well the first two are true for the area I live in :P. Hats somewhat true…..

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