What causes some people to be left handed?

Answer #1

Genetics probably, the same way some people have blue eyes some have brown.

Answer #2

i can do everything but write with both ;)


Answer #3

I can write with my butthole. ;)

Answer #4

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL can you do anything with ping pong balls ;D


Answer #5

It is genetic, I assume from my family’s history of left-handers, but it all depends on the side of the brain that’s dominant. There isn’t exactly a cause, per se, but left-brained people are for the most part right-side dominant, and vice versa.

Answer #6

Play bea rut with them, also known as beer pong. :D

Answer #7

bae rut** I think.

Answer #8

Most left handed peoples are mostly from gulf countries, its also cause of social stigma and repression. its also involves brain activity. some of them do their in left hand & some of them do their work in both right & left handed. most left handers are really talented. people who are left handed are more dextrous with left than the right hand

Answer #9

Gulf countries? Please, please explain.

Answer #10


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