Does being in menopause make you more tired than you normally would be?

Answer #1

I think it varies from woman to woman but from what I’ve heard from my aunties and my Mum it makes them feel exhausted and feels like they have no energy.

Answer #2

Yeah I wasn’t sure, I had a hysterectomy bout 8 months ago and the past few months I just feel so exausted like u said. I go to the doc tomorrow so maybe he can suggest something. It sucks cuz I used to b the total opposite, I cud go all day on like 4 or 5 hrs of sleep, I’m only 34 I shud not b wanting to take a nap at 4 in the evening. Anyways thx for responding. I feel better now knowing its kinda normal

Answer #3

I think you should see your doctor because my aunties doctor suggested a change in her diet and that made her feel better than before and told her to take hormonal tablets but I would visit your doctor to be on the safe side and get a professional opinion. I hope you feel better soon! :)

Answer #4

Yeah I go tomorrow, I already take hormone pills everyday, so I will mention the diet thing to him

Answer #5

Yes, but this does not hold true for every women out there who hit menopause. Women who take care of their health by including the fresh and healthy foods in diet, leading healthy lifestyle are at less risk to feel affected with the symptoms of menopause. they are stronger and active enough to perform their daily chores.

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