japan and ww2!

why was japan forced to surrender? from what? like what was it doing wrong?? ohh..and im taking about world war 2..haha.. thank-u :D

Answer #1

japan was a member of the triple axis- allied with germany and italy, they were out for total world domination and racial supremacy. they chose to strike the U.S. at PEARL HARBOR, prior to that time they were using the facade of wanting to be friends with the U.S., so they were the ones that struck us first.

as far as being forced to surrender, the pacific war was very bloody and very costly on both sides, the japanese occupied islands we had slowly captured created a very high amount of casualties, we slowly were working our way towards mainland japan, and the japanese were digging in for a terrible fight. they were not going to surrender- and our war department figured out that the casualty rates for U.S. servicemen to take japan was going to be very high. it was decided to drop the two atomic bombs on two japanese cities to force their surrender and thus shorten the war- and save many American and Japanese lives. if we hadn’t forced the surrender- the war to take mainland japan would have been very bloody- fighting a conventional war.

Answer #2

Japan attacked the US Navy at Pearl Harbor (on the island of Oahu, Hawaii) that initiated the war in the Pacific.

The US was the first to develop nuclear weapons, and after dropping nukes on both Hiroshima and Nagasaki (sp?), Japan surrendured to avoid a bomb on Tokyo.

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