Is it considered rape?

well my bisexual friend came over. and she asked the last question that “I” askd,but she was on my profile. and so she kept searching for lesbian porn on my computer and I told her to stop,but she got all horny and such. then she started hitting me and made me take my clothes off. I had to lay on the floor then she started kissing me. the she started licking places. I tried to keep my legs closed but she wouldnt let me. then she startd kissing me then I asked if I could get my clothes back on and she hit me and kept hitting me. then she made me lick her. and then she said we were done. I didnt feel safe after that so I snuck my rottweiler in and she slept on the couch. is that considered rape and am I still virgin and im christian and im suppose to stay virgin.

Answer #1

That’s just abuse and basically close to rape. It’s not your fault.

Answer #2

um if it was just lick than yeah you are still a virgin licking someone doesnt mean that you lost your virginity and if its considered rape in my opinion I dont think it is you could of dont something to prevent it instead of just doing what she was telling you but thats my opinion!

Answer #3

if youre bff is a true friend then she’ll believe you. if she doesnt she’s not worth it anyway. what does it matter about reputation when thats happened to you. I knder undertsand though. in a sitution like that you have to makee sure you speak out first, if she said something first then thats when you’d look like the one lieing. get the first word in a and people will believe you

Answer #4

well you should honestly talk to her I mean ok make her understand that if she tells anyone that she “got some” like threaten her I mean say if your my friend you wont tell anyone be like that or say if you tell anyone ill tell my paretns that you raped me because thats what you did and with you bff make her understand that you didnt want her to and that she forced you and you need to tell her the whole story if you want to tell her you dont want to give her the wrong idea

Answer #5

yes your a virgin dont worry and yes that is considered rape I think you should tell your parents then they should tell hers I think you should stay away from her I mean I know shes your friend but that is considered rape espically if she was hitting you Did she say anything about it after? Well I think you should probably tell someone but if your uncomfortable about telling you parents then well I don’t know really I think that you should stay away from her msg me if you need more help im always here

Answer #6

im scared that sh might spread a rumor around about how she got lucky with me and ruin my rep. and I want to tell my bestiest friend but I think she will think im a les.

Answer #7

av13 you’ve oubviusly not been sexually abused or raped so you dont know what its like. She was scared, frightened she was hitting her so she was scared to not obey incase she hit her again or even worse. How can you judge. You don’t know what sort of things you’ve got running through your mind when someones taking away your rights and beating you up. She was put in a situation a hard one. This happens to millions of people are you saying they could have done something to stop it! NO. please dont say things like that

Answer #8

ohh darling im sorry but it is. Although she’s your friend and shes a girl im sorry but its true. She’s taken your rights away and thats not good. Nobody should have to go through that. Thats a prosecutable offence. You did say no right? if you said no then its rape. Its up to you if you class oral sex as losing your virginity- most people dont so your ok there. I hope you can overcome this and remember IT’S NO YOUR FAULT, DONT BLAME YOURSELF AND DONT BE ASHAMED. RISE ABOVE IT. good luck hun x

Answer #9

OK, the answer to your first question. That is considered kind of rape/sexual harassment. If I were you I would turn it in to the police or tell my parent/guardian. Because you never no if she has like an STD or something. And the answer to your second question, yes you are still a virgin.

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