Is Bill Maher correct ?

On his show Bill Maher called the Pope a “Nazi” and said the Catholic Church is nothing more than a “child-abusing religious cult.” - Do you agree or disagree ?

Answer #1

Well, he may be stereotyping a bit, but, yes I would have to say I agree with him if I had to choose. I like Bill a lot. I’m very liberal too.

Answer #2

I agree completly.

Answer #3

While I see very little comparison to the bible, in the religion, I am sure that there are many good people in there, that are totally against the abuse. God knows who belongs to him.

Answer #4

amoeba - hate to tell ya but you messed up again - like I stated those weren’t my words they were c/c/p directly from their newsletter, which is in your Funmail - nice try though - I do apologize however for the site changing what I wrote: the word, Alpha Sierra Sierra Uniform Mike Echo - I did not write the other…have a great day !!

Answer #5

gasmanobt3 said:

“If the priesthood would allow them to have a wife then the numbers of sex abuses would diminish substantially”

I just want to say that there is absolutely NO good reason or excuse for the horrific acts of a pedophile, NONE! Especially if they profess to be in leadership roles in any church. If they were truly Godly men, raping little children would NEVER cross their minds.

This is my own personal theory; I think pedophiles join the priesthood just so they can be around children…they’d have a fresh supply at any time of the day or night.

Answer #6

I would have to say that, although a bit over the top, Bill is right. Pedophile priests have been around for ages, and it’s just been over looked. Typically the church thinks that any human failing will go away if you just pray real hard. That’s a steaming pile of chocolate covered cocoa lumps. calmthoughtscalmthoughtscalmthoughts “But I’m feeling much better now!” Good Luck!!

Answer #7

I think he’s stereotyping a lot also, but with the amount of “Catholic” priests abusing little boys…that’s pretty sick, in my opinion. And it’s not something that happens in every religion, either.

The John Jay Report, commissioned by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, found accusations against 4,392 priests in the USA. That’s a LOT of priests who should keep their urges to themselves. Where is God when they are thinking about raping kids?

Answer #8

“The John Jay Report, commissioned by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, found accusations against 4,392 priests in the USA. That’s a LOT of priests who should keep their urges to themselves.”

Right, but how many of them were actually found guilty? Accusation alone is not enough to prove guilt. I mean I know we’ve got Gitmo and all, but stil…

Anyway, Bill Maher’s an idiot. He’s really just like his ultracon counterparts Limbaugh and Coulter; he makes his living by polarizing American society. That’s all he’s doing with this statement

Answer #9

amoeba: Once again YOU are wrong - the quote came from:

Media Research Center Douglas Mills, Executive Vice President

Dear MRC Friend,

This time, Bill Maher has gone too far. On his Time-Warner/HBO show, Maher called the Pope a “Nazi” and said the Catholic Church is nothing more than a “child-abusing religious cult.”

Just maybe you shouldn’t jump to conclusions - take it up with Mr Mills - should never a s s you m e - appears you pretty much ‘missed the mark’…Take care !!

Answer #10

Well I think Benedict stopped being a nazi years ago. . . Remember Scheindler was a nazi also. I don’t think all you Catholics are child abusers. . . at least I hope not. . . My Doctor is Catholic. . . . Um I think my lawyer is also.

Answer #11

I think with the nazi comment he was refering to the fact that as a child in germany the pope was a member of the hitler youth group.

As far as a child abusing religious cult, I think all organized religion is cultish to an extent, and the catholic church certainly has its share of pedophiles.

Answer #12

The Pope was a Nazi. SO WHAT!.. Just because Hitler was so desperate for followers of his own he manipulated kids into thinking like the SS did. All sorts of children were forced into turning on their families for fear that they’d be killed. The Hitler Youth movement was brought about so that the children would grow up into soldiers for the army. They dug ditches for anti-tank and vehicle attacks. Also, they were used as errand boys and girls bringing messages inconspicuously through enemy lines. No one suppected the children. How do I know? My father in law was also in the Hitler Youth before escaping to Russia. His parents didn’t make it. One the other topic. I have always had a problem with Catholicism, I was brought up Catholic too, and that is, that the priests have urges much like any other man. If the priesthood would allow them to have a wife then the numbers of sex abuses would diminish substantially. Many a priest has left the church because the sex drive of a man is so strong. Others chose to stay celebate and enjoy it fully. But there are those who for shameful reasons give in and prey on little boys and girls. Bill Maher should really wisen up. By propagating this issue he will be putting many a child at risk. Children who might speak up who are adults now, for example. Bill’s attempt at humour is crude and very inappropriate. The sex abuse of a child no matter where it happens is NO LAUGHING matter!!! Ask a survivor how funny it is..

Answer #13

AMBLESSED - ONCE AGAIN YOU HAVE MISQUOTED. maher did not call “the Pope a ‘Nazi’ “ he said he used to be a nazi. that is a true statement. he was a member as a teen. he joined, as did many others, when it became mandatory. but it makes him a nazi none the less.

this is what maher ACTUALLY said:

“And, finally, New Rule: Whenever you combine a secretive compound, religion and weirdos in pioneer outfits, there’s going to be some child-f*cking going on. In fact, whenever a cult leader sets himself up as “God’s infallible wing man” here on earth, lock away the kids.

Which is why I’d like to tip off law enforcement to an even larger child-abusing religious cult. Its leader also has a compound. And this guy not only operates outside the bounds of the law, but he used to be a Nazi and he wears funny hats. [photo of the Pope shown]

That’s right. The Pope is coming to America this week, and, ladies, he’s single! Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Bill, you can’t be saying that the Catholic Church is no better than this creepy Texas cult! For one thing, altar boys can’t even get pregnant.”

But, really, what tripped up the “little cult on the prairie” was that they only abused hundreds of kids, not thousands all over the world. Cults get raided. Religions get parades. How does the Catholic Church get away with all of their buggery? VOLUME, VOLUME, VOLUME!

If you have a few hundred followers and you let some of them molest children, they call you a cult leader. If you have a billion, they call you “Pope.”

It’s like if you can’t pay your mortgage, you’re a deadbeat, but if you can’t pay a million mortgages, you’re Bear Stearns, and we bail you out. And that’s who the Catholic Church is, the Bear Stearns of organized pedophilia. Too big to fail.

When the - when the current Pope was in his previous Vatican job as John Paul’s Dick Cheney - he wrote a letter instructing every Catholic bishop to keep the sex abuse of minors secret until the statute of limitations ran out. And that’s the Church’s attitude: “We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it.”

Which is fine. Far be it from me to criticize religion. But, just remember one thing: if the Pope was, instead of a religious figure, merely the CEO of a nationwide chain of daycare centers where thousands of employees had been caught molesting kids and then covering it up, he’d be arrested faster than you can say, “Who wants to touch Mister Wiggle?”

and you know what, he pretty much hits the mark.

Answer #14

AMBLESSED - this is too funny. I just visited the MRC website… this is a direct cut and paste…

Maher: ‘Pope Used to Be a Nazi;’ Compares Church to Mormon Cult Bill Maher, true to form on his Real Time program on HBO on Friday night, went on a tirade against Pope Benedict XVI and the Catholic Church, only days before the Pope’s visit to the U.S. He stated that the Pope “used to be a Nazi” and compared him to a cult leader. He then went on to call the Church a “child-abusing religious cult” and “the Bear Stearns of organized pedophilia,” charging: “And that’s the Church’s attitude: ‘We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it,’ which is fine, far be it from me to criticize religion.”

 Following a profanity-tinged one-liner concerning the raid on the Texas compound of Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Maher quipped: "In fact, whenever a cult leader sets himself up as God's infallible wingman here on Earth, lock away the kids. Which is why I'd like to tip off law enforcement to an even larger child-abusing religious cult. Its leader also has a compound, and this guy not only operates outside the bounds of the law, but he used to be a Nazi and he wears funny hats. That's right, the Pope is coming to America this week and ladies, he's single!" At the "funny hat" line, Maher displayed a picture of Pope Benedict wearing a wide-brimmed hat called a saturno. 

 [This item, by the MRC's Matthew Balan, was posted Monday afternoon, with videdo, on the MRC's blog, ]

so even your MRC says what I said.

“Just maybe you shouldn’t jump to conclusions - take it up with Mr Mills - should never a s s you m e - appears you pretty much ‘missed the mark’…Take care !!

the “a*s” comment was such a witness. do you have an apology for me? or is that against your faith?

Answer #15


the Media Research Center (MRC) is a conservative media watchdog group

I saw the HBO show, did you? I heard him say that the pope USED to be a nazi. what I wrote is EXACTLY what he said and was taken directly off the HBO website where the transcripts are given.

even bill o’reilly showed the clip from the HBO show where maher stated that the pope USED to be a nazi and then o’reilly commented on the fact that even though maher said he USED to be a nazi, it was still a slur.

you and your biased, conservative watchdog group…lol.

Answer #16

I feel that the question needs to be looked at directly. Is the Pope still a Nazi? Obviously not, Hitler’ dead. Are all Catholic priests pedophiles? No. I met a priest once who seemed like a nice guy. I really have no idea however because I don’t know him personally.

We do know that the Nazi movement is over, except for the punk teenagers who think it’s cool to relieve the past. On the whole though, I am against the beliefs of the Catholic Church when it comes to the Replacement Theology,

Taken from a definitions section in the Bible Replacement Thology - A theological view among both Catholics and Protestants that the Jews have been rejected and replaced by “the true Israel,” the Church. Those who espouse this view disavow any distinct ethnic future for the Jewish people in connection with the biblical covenants, believing that their only spiritual destiny is either to perish or become a part of the Christian Church.

This is the only thing I find fault with that concerns Jews. Because Jesus said salvation is first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.

As for the Caotholic Church allowing this Pedophilia to continue… If it were a small time cult the government WOULD have destroyed it by now.

As for are they a cult: These are the definitions of a Cult, as written by the former Cult Awarness Network: 1: Mind Control- Undue influence- Manipulation by use of coersive persuasion or behavior modification techniques without informed consent 2: Charismatic Leadership- Recruiting and fundraising w/ hidden objectives and without full disclosure of the use of mind control techniques; use of front groups 3: Exclusivity- a claim to be the only franchise to God: I.e. only if we pray you into heaven can you get there. You can only get there if you take this course etc 4:Secrecy- Secretiveness or vaugness by followers regarding activities and beliefs 5: Alienation- Seperation from Family, friends, and/ or society, a change in values and substitution of the cult as the new family; evidence of personality changes 6: Exploitation- can be financial, physical, physical, or psycological; pressure to give money, to spend a great deal of money on courses, or give excessively to special projects, or to engage in innaprpriate activities, including sexually abuse and/or child abuse 7: Totalitarian Worldview- (we/they syndrome) Effecting dependence, promoting goals of the group over the individual and approving unethical behavior while claiming goodness.

I don’t know. You decide.

Answer #17

I would hardly think that being forced to join the party as a child makes one a ‘Nazi’ today. He was as much a victim of Nazi oppression as anyone else.

Is it possible to be more inflammatory than this? This question should be locked.

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