Is it illegal if you convince someone to harm themselves?

Answer #1

depends on how bad but thats messed up

Answer #2

If its just cutting I don’t think so unless the person is doing the cutting for them…Then I think that would be considered assault. If they go through with a su!cide then yes, I believe its called influenced su!cide..I could be wrong..Hope I Helped in some way!

Answer #3

Depends on how u convinced them. If u were to tell someone to jump because their life sucks then I guess u didn’t break the law. You were just being a stupid idiot. But if u told them that if they didn’t jump u would do something bad to someone they loved then I guess that’s breaking the law. It could also be considered that you can somehow illegally harm people via control like is done in some cults. Again the true question is has their will been compromised?

Answer #4

Well it’s not ok, so that’s something, if it went to a pont when that pearson that was convinced killed themselfs, then I think it should be, if it’s alredy not. I would say it is, just because I think that it would be some type of bullying meaby? Like it leads them to harmfull actions.

Answer #5

so if someone said, “ cut yourself do it, you know you want to. Your life is crap” it isnt illegal? but say that person did cut themselves and ended up killing themself it would then be illegal?

Answer #6

YES!!! any kind of deeds that lead to people harming themselves or others is ILLEGAL. If it not by the law it is by nature.

Answer #7

idk i think so

Answer #8

This would depend on a lot of different things. In general, any sorts of threats are illegal, bullying (i.e. harassment) is also illegal, I’m sure there’s laws against preying against those who are vulnerable, etc. Odds are a prosecutor could make something stick if he or she really wanted to go after the person.

Answer #9

Is it illegal? I don’t think so unless you are forcing them too or if you are harassing them to the point where they want to. If you tell them it is okay to or something, I think that is just morally wrong.

Honestly, as an ex-self-harmer, doesn’t take much convincing and if it gets out of hand it could lead to death. I don’t know your circumstances but I would stop the convincing whether it is being done to you or you’re doing it.

Answer #10

Then I would say “no” its not illegal. But the thing to prove is was it done against the person’s will. You could always argue reverse psychology. The real problem is not if its illegal. The real problem is living with yourself after u contributed to someone else’s harm. If your the person that harms yourself then you need to start loving and listening to yourself.

Answer #11

Read the story of Charles Manson. He manipulated people into killing others. It’s not quite the same story but it’s similar. He’s was imprisoned for multiple counts of muurder and has spent time on death row. In his case, it was very illegal

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