Why is suicide illegal?

Why is suicide illegal? you arent harming anyone but yourself…and youre doing it voluntarily. What if you successfully kill yourself, do your realtives get in trouble? What about assistant suicide? What if you were in a condition worse then dying and ask someone to kill you? Could they get in trouble?

Answer #1

assisted suicide is definitely illegal. even if a licensed doctor does it. there was a case awhile ago; Dr. Kevorkian filmed himself assisting a patient in suicide in order to prove a point and try to change the law. he released the tape and was arrested and jailed. I think he just got out recently and is running for some seat in office somewhere. haha

Answer #2

Nothing worse than dying? You’ve obviously never suffered from chronic, debilitating pain.

Answer #3

he never said he wanted to…

anyway its disturbing the peace (unless of course you do it in your own home) but if you like jump of a building or something, other people will see and technically (since they will probably be scarred by this somehow) you are threatening their mental health also

Answer #4

nothing worse then dying?? I can think of 3 million things that are worse than dying

Answer #5

well 1 it’s illegal because,well hello its suicide,2.there is nothing worst then dying.and 3.partnership in suicide is illegal because I beileve its 3rd degree murder,or1st.sumthing like that.

Answer #6

I dont care really but why would you ask a question like that like are u tryng to kill your self or soemthing lol

Answer #7

I don’t think it should be illegal for anyone to make that choice. In fact, I think it is our choice, as free people, to make and not the state’s. That was my point.

And I was also hoping to make clear that I am not advocating suicide - just arguing for the right to make that choice.

Answer #8

eleni - yes thats probably where the idea came from. But shouldnt we be tolerant of other people’s beleifs? Yes, most Theists believe that if you commit suicide you will go to hell, but then shouldnt their fate be up to them? What im trying to say is, what about people who dont believe in such a thing? Why should it be illegal for them?

Answer #9

I think suicide is illegal mostly because of the religious idea that those who complete suicide go to hell. I would be happy if no one ever chose suicide again but how can we call ourselves free if we can’t make the basic decision about whether to live or die?

Answer #10

cause it would be consitered “killing someone” but I mean if someone wants to die then let them they might think its better than sitting in a jail cell and stuff

Answer #11

If your deadyou CANT PAY TAXES? Id really like to know were countries other than the U.S. stand on this topic. Any good feed back let me know.

    Thanks, Late
Answer #12

suicide is legal, if medically assisted in cases of chronic, terminal illness, in Oregon. This is a good thing. People should be allowed to end their lives if the chronic pain is too much. However, suicide isn’t for emo kids. It’s for people who are already dying and in extreme pain. Otherwise, suicide is the single most selfish, reprehensible act a human can commit. That is why both our society and out legal system forbid it. It’s why most religions forbid it.

Answer #13

There is no feasible defense for preventing assisted suicide. Sanctity of life is a tired arguement that has no basis in reality. If someone is suffering from a horrible disease that is eating their organs, or they are in a vegitative state, they should be allowed to pass of their own accord.

My grandmother has a very, very severe case of Alzheimer’s coupled with extremely bad arthritis. She is bedridden and must rely on a nursing staff for all of her bodily functions. When we call her on the phone and talk to her, she simply rambles on about nothing we can understand, although it sounds like she is melding all her memories together. I don’t even know if she realizes who she is talking to. It’s heartbreaking, and for all intents and purposes, my grandmother no longer lives. There’s nothing that can be done for her. Where is the quality of life? I don’t advocate that we pull the plug on her now, but if someone decides ahead of time that if they are in her situation they would like to be put of their misery, who are we to tell them no?

Answer #14

yeah theyd get in trouble, and I think youd hurt a lot of people who love you :( it would be extremely stressful on them

Answer #15

y do you wann kill your self

Answer #16

oh yea We watched a film on Dr Kevorkian (aka Dr Death) in my law class. I think hes actually running for a position in Congress or something lol. I wouldnt mind if assisstant suicide was legalized honestly… but I suppose there would have to be lots of papers to sign etc

Answer #17

iervasi - why do you care WHY I asked the question??

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