I want to be a model - How do I start?

Any Ideas people ?

Answer #1

get a book together and send it out to big modeling agencies!!! !!!

Answer #2

This is the answer I gave someone who asked the same question months ago, I really didn’t feel like typing it all over again!

Depending on how tall you are, you could do either run-way or photo shoots. Most places would like a run-way model to be at least 5’10”. Any shorter they would only want you for shoots. First off, you need to build up a portfolio. Head shots, and different styles of photos. Your head shots will be the first thing any agency will look at. It should be very natural looking. Don’t try to paint on a ton of makeup. They want to see what they have to work with. An empty canvas! As for the other photos you add, try not to have all of them be sexy or high fashion. Mix it up. Some agencies like innocent, some like extra sexy. You have to show that you can be what they want you to be!

Good Luck! It’s a tough career to get into. Just don’t get caught up in all the comments you may hear. I once walked into an agency and they told me that I was gorgeous and that I could consider myself hired, as long as I did one of two things: Get a boob job, or have my hips shaved down. In other words, they thought that my butt was too wide for my smaller chest. I told them no thank-you and walked out. And the next place I went to thought I was picture perfect. It all depends on the agency.

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