Do youll thank that people will live in space one day?

Do youll thank that people will live in space one day?

Answer #1

amy, what? no gravity? if you’re on another planet or the moon, there’s still gravity.

Answer #2

Maybe yes. People in the world are polluting too much our ozone atmosphere will disappear. We will not have any more gravity, and I’m sure they will make things for oxygen, it’s just not that hard to guess.

Answer #3

I think one day living in space would be the next big thing Matthew.

Unfortunately only the wealthy and those with a six figure income would be able to book a seat to travel into space either to live or holiday there… It’s expensive as it for passengers to fly from one country to the next as airlines are paying top dollars to fuel their planes..

Answer #4

Maybe not, once we waste all of the earth’s resources… we won’t even have electricty or when we run out of oil, we will have nothing bascically.

Hopefully I will die before that happens though =]

Answer #5

Yes. One day there will be a colony on the moon, and trips to the moon will be as common as international flights are to-day.

Answer #6

learn how to spell. and its possible. anything is. but its probably gonna take a while for that to happen

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