How do you view yourself spiritually?

I’m just curious to see the answers to this. It doesnt have to be super personal, or even about religion, just what you personally believe and live by.

Answer #1

I personally grew up muslim but as time went on I found myself not agreeing with religion as a whole. I still believe in a Supreme Being but I dont think there are only certain criteria to be followed in order to be “saved” or long as youre a good person in general I think youre ok. I see religion as a means of conflict a lot of the time and I dont like it when people preach their beliefs or try to categorize me.

Answer #2

I believe in the human body to be nothing but a machine and therefore we cant take anything with us to any next life beacause we just “shut down” and that the only thing of real value is knowledge which is (it really is) the universal currency of everything (afterall who doesnt wanna know more?)

so put short im kind of an “intelectual capitalist” in the way of having a constant hunger for knowledge instead of money… but money doesnt hurt anyone afterall :P

Answer #3

Hello,will I believe that thing’s happen for a reason and that were here for a reason aswell,just like the way we all live,is for a reason,to eat,sleep,learn,good and bad we decide between that;all of the thought’s that we have were put into are Brain’s before we could even copperhand what they are.I belivev their is a beginning to the beginning which is are Father/God,I belive that are live’s were written before we were born aswell and that life goes hand and hand with death and vise/versa: Religion states that the first death is not what we should worry about,it’s the second one we all need to be concerned with.As you can tell I’m a Light Bearer for Jesus and will always be.Thank you for your time,Robert.

Answer #4

Although I have no supernatural beliefs, I still have a “spiritual life”, in the sense that I reflect from time to time on things that have happened and how I and others responded to them.

Answer #5

I used to live around and by negativity but that didn’t get me anywhere whatsoever,I figured it was cause of the people I hung around. Most of it has to do with at school,apparently,from what I see,my counselor or whoever handles the class changes,actually changed my lunch from B lunch to A lunch at the beginning of my junior year. Since then I have been feeling a bit more happy along with the love my girlfriend gives me.

I live off of pure happiness and love,I have pushed 5 people out of my life cause they do things I don’t approve of,they thought I was kidding.

Answer #6

Well… I basically think… do what you want… let people do what they want… As long as it doesn’t emotionally or physically hurt someone else.

Whatever floats your boat I guess.

I’m agnostic =D Being a Christian really didn’t do much for me.

Answer #7

I grew up as a Christian as well and now I am agnostic. I don’t care much to have a religion or to be spiritual. For me I’d rather deal with my problems personally, rather than rely on my spirituality or alternatively a higher being.

Answer #8

I’m similar to Moe,I grew up as a Christian but my beliefs weren’t so strong this year,and that and other stuff changed my view about my religion,currently I’m an Atheist and have been one for 6 months I think,but I live in a Christina house,odd I know.

Answer #9

I was brought up in a Christian family.. I tried to continue that path, but the last few months or so have been hard.. there’s just a lot of things that don’t make sense to me that nobody can answer… and I just feel like He’s abandoned me and..yeah.

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