How can I stop picking at my pimples?

I’m 13 and I have pimples all over I clean them and everything but during school I pick at them. How can I stop?

Answer #1

When you get a pimple remember that it takes a full 7 days to run it’s course & heal, & each time you pick at it it starts back at day 1. You also risk scarring if you keep picking.

Answer #2

try getting a rubber band and putting it around your wrist. when you find yourself picking at them stop and slap your wrist with the rubber band. or chew gum or find another habit to keep you busy. doodling? good luck

Answer #3

I always picked my spots, and I never scarred, but I have learnt it should never be done in public… I remember being in the office one day and a girl picked a spot on her face, which then bled, and she had to run off to the loo to get some tissue for it. She then returned to the meeting, dabbing her spot. It was quite grim.

So when you think about picking a spot, just think how disgusting people will think you are… obviously I’m sure you’re not, but that would disincentivise me.

Answer #4

I have bad acne and I notice that when I pick I start to think about what the outcome of that pimple is going to be. So then I stop because I don’t want to make it worse. That seems to help!

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