How can I prevent having stomach ache ?

Hello. I have a really huge problem recently. That is, morning if I eat breakfast, I’ll have stomach ache. From young till now, I dont have the habit to do my business in the morning. This is simply due to lack of time in the morning. I think if I use the time to sleep instead of going to toilet, it would be better.

However, recently in school, I’ll have stomach ache and feel the needs to go to the toliet.

Even when I was doing my examination, I will also have stomach ache. For the exams part, maybe im too stressful or nervous. Perhaps its because I ate breakfast earlier. I really dont know. I really hate to go to the toliet in school. And of course, I hate having stomach upset while I was doing my exams.

A few months later, I will be having my major national exams. I dont want this to happen again. What should I do ? I mean, im willing to change my lifestyle for it.

Im so worried about it. Please help.

Answer #1

Do you drink coffee? I’ve had to stop drinking coffee because it was the main cause of most of my stomache problems. NO, it isn’t because of the caffeine. It’s due to the acid that is in coffee. It messes with you. I stopped drinking it and wow.. what a difference. I used have heartburn or indigestion EVERYDAY of my life until now. I used have ulcers and all that junk. NOT NOW!!! It was so bad that I even developed a nasty cough. All that has gone simply because I started drinking tea instead of coffee. I drink black tea and it’s not a problem whatsoever!!

Answer #2

I think you should go to a doctor, tell your condition that your going to take an exam so he might not ending telling “oh you’re fine just bla bla bla”..and dont ask one doctor always ask for second opinion so you can compare you results

I hope it helps

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