Answer #1

Here’s that verse:

Rev 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Answer #2

The book of Revelation tells us clearly: ‘Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire’ for eternity.

Answer #3

Rainbow hair? Well you never know

Satan wont decide to become a Christian because consider how very long he has defied and been against God

It would take so long for him to have a change of…well he has no heart…

anyways, first all the sin in the world would stop, if you’re looking for signs of Satan changing his mind all of a sudden ^_^’

And God may not have hair I think about what ‘He’ looks like all of the time but considering that ‘he’ made us, we probably look nothing like ‘him’

  • Im saying He because thats what the Bible says, though I regard the Bible as a biased book, considering when it was written even though God did give the man who wrote it the exact words to write, I suppose the man was not nearly a pure soul and couldnt comprehend the equality of the words God spoke

Ok I know that was confusing but I’ve been thinking about all this for about 8 years!!

Answer #4

has satan repented for his sins??! nooo, he’s doing whatever is in his so caled power to distract people from obeying God. Bible says clearly if you repent - u’ll get forgivnes, and it also tells us clearly how the satan will end, that he’ll rebell against our Lord till the end of his days when he’ll be defeated once for all, and thanks God there’ll be no more of him, no more pain, no more tears - and guys he’s the only one who provokes them, be thankful to God cause He’s in charge of everything, God Bless

Answer #5

saten, has not asked to beforgiven and so no He hasn’t asked…and I do not think he ever will.

Answer #6

The Bible has your answers if you’re truely seeking the answers.

Answer #7

If god didn’t forgive Satan he wouldn’t be a very good god now would he? Especially since he’s supposed to be ‘devine, forgiving, merciful, etc’ so if he still [after all these millenia… I mean come on!] begrudged Satan for questioning authority… it would just contradict the things he’s supposed to stand for.

Besides, Satan, I think, has too much pride and arrogance to plead forgiveness - I call it being headstrong =DDD

Answer #8

Satan can not be a Christian because he has seen the face of God and still rebeled against Him.

Answer #9

I’ve never seen an example of Gods forgiveness except to Humans. . Since Satan is spirit how could he be forgiven?

Answer #10

I think God’s forgiveness is for humans only. Interesting question.

Answer #11

Satans days are very limited… that is why he is trying to do all he can now, against mankind, before his time is up…

Answer #12

I should probably study my bible more. Thank you all for the answers.

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