How to stop depression?

How do you feel undreppessed.?

Answer #1

There are different types of depression. It can be situational (things are going bad in your life and make you depressed) or clinical (no reason, you just feel terribly sad most of the time)

There are even some medications that can produce depression as a side effect.

Clinical depression is usually treated with medication and therapy. I’d suggest you try to see a counselor and take it from there.

Answer #2


As you know, depression can be very painful and is not easily beaten. So I would suggest, in no particular order:

  1. Hard excercise

  2. Drink lots of mineral water

  3. Counselling

  4. Understanding and support from close friends and family

  5. If possible distance yourself from what it is that is causing the depression

  6. CBT (See link: )

You may also find this excellent online book helpful:,M1

Try and share your feelings with others, do things you enjoy with people you enjoy, don’t waste energy changing those things that are out of your control to change.

Set yourself small goals to meet that will attack your depression in small manageable pieces, keep a record of your targets and celebrate when you meet your targets.

Don’t expect to beat depression easily or quickly and expect the occassional relapse.

Some people find that keeping a thought diary can also help to monitor progress.

I wish you luck with your struggle and suggest once again that if at all possible, you follow the path to recovery with someone you trust by your side.


Answer #3

um get off the computer and go 4 a walk!!

Answer #4

please be my friend I have the same problem but I don’t have an answer sorry!

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