What do you think is better - to drink some alcohol, to drink a lot, or not to drink at all?

Answer #1

I guess it depends on the people’s choice or decision. For me not to drink at all bcuz I dont like the taste at all even wine, so ya

Answer #2

I’m stuck between not drinking and to drink some. Some alcohol like red wine is good for you in moderation. However, I’m pretty sure you can get those benefits elsewhere as well.

Answer #3

Not drinking is best but drinking some is what people usually refer lol

Answer #4

Drinking in moderation and certainly not every day. Plus, being safe about it, especially if you’re out or going somewhere…

Answer #5

I think it depends solely on the person’s morals. I’m not going to tell someone opposed to drinking that they should be drinking a little it, it’s not right for them. Personally I’m okay with having a few or more drinks on occasion, but I would never recommend drinking often and a lot.

Answer #6

To drink some, drinking some is not that bad.

Answer #7

ne thing but drinking alot thats never good

Answer #8

My sister is studying medicine and her lecturer, who is a heart surgeon, told them the other day that drinking in moderation is good for you. When I say “in moderation”, I mean 1 -2 glasses of wine a day. Red wine has allot of antioxidants and is good for high blood pressure. It also reduces stress and studies have shown that people who drink in moderation live linger than people who don’t drink at all. Obviosly drinking to much isn’t good for you, because you can cause damage to your liver. So I guess its a matter of not too much or too little.

Answer #9


Answer #10

not drinking Janicee:) yeah u can get those benefits elsewhere:) u too lee not drinking:) but its ur decisions..

Answer #11

urghh… drink some?

Answer #12

Obviously drinking to excess is not good, but as for drinking in moderation or not at all, it is entirely up to the person (assuming of course they are old enough) and it depends on an individuals preferences and circumstances.

Answer #13

drink some

Answer #14

i say drink some have a good time let your hair down xD i know i do and drinking alot is just fun but can lead to scarey or stupid crap soooo please be careful :P but enjoy yourself!

Answer #15

To drink some alcohol. (:

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