Does a cartilage piercing hurt?

Ok, I am probably gonna get my cartilage pierced today. My mom said she didn’t wanna drive very far, so we gotta just go to claires. Is that a good place to go? people say needles are better, but I HATE THEM!:( Also, aren’t guns faster? ok, um, im 12-13 so a teen girl. I’m going sometime after lunch, so PLEASE, if you can, reply before that. ill check to see who replied. thanks guys/girls! luv ya’ll <3Lisa

Answer #1

PLEASE don’t use the gun. Go to a piercer and get it done with a needle.

Piercing guns are not sanitary. They punch holes in people’s skin day after day, and are not cleaned thoroughly in between. Even when the place cleans it according to health and safety standards, skin bits are still leftover from the last person. It’s quite gross, actually.

Piercing guns also heighten your risk of a “blow out” in your skin due to the speed and force of the piercing. This is when your skin either on the front or back of a piercing is punctured so hard that it rips.

Answer #2

they hurt way less then the other ones

Answer #3

Guns do raise the risk of “shattering” your cartilage so I wouldn’t recommend them for a cartilage piercing. Although I had no problems.

And as far as Guns being sanitary - they are(I can only speak for the ones at Claires and Wal-mart). The part that actually goes through your skin is the earring itself(that has a pointed needle tip-the backing is rounded so the earring doesn’t jab you in the head). And the middle section that touches your ear is plastic and is thrown away every time. At places like Claires and Wal-Mart the insert for the gun comes with the earring already in it and there is no way to put a new earring in it after it’s used. The guns are made by the Inverness company - SEE HERE:

You can order your own kit to do it yourself. (if you so wish - but you should really see a professional)

Oh and I would also recommend getting one side done at a time. It hurts to lay on your ear for a while.

Answer #4

Guns work fine and they are fast. I used to pierce ears at the Wal-Mart jewelry department that way. When I got my cartilage done it hurt more than my lobe and was sore pretty persistently for about a week. It also took like a year for mine to finally heal. Every time I would switch out my earrings for the first few months it would bleed. Just remember to twist your earring daily and clean it too.

After it healed up, I LOVE the piercing.

Answer #5

Not when they do it but the aftercare process hurt.

Answer #6

Tomorrow Morning at about 11:30 I am going to go and get my Cartilage Pierced I am very Scared and the closer it gets the more scared I am LOL

All I want to know is how much on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most painful) does a Cartilage Piercing hurt

Answer #7

no they dont! well, for me it didnt. I got mine in january, perfesionally done, it pinches a little bit, but not too much. it hurts sometimes when pressure is put on it throughout the waiting time untill it fully heals

Answer #8

I have my 3rd, it didnt hurt at all. im getting my cartilage today, I’ve had it done 3 times now, soo I know whats coming on the pain wise but it doesnt hurt but more than a second. you’ll be fine

Answer #9

Hi! My friend got it done with a gun and she said it din’t hurt at all! She didn’t even feel it go in. I would go to a place you know will be clean!! Hope this helps!!! I really want to get mine done 2!!

Answer #10

I got my done today at Claires… they use a gun.. I was nervous at first but then when they did it, it just felt like a pinch… I have 2 holes in my lobe and now the top done… it looks good and it’s worth the little pain.. it will hurt for about a week after you get it but otherwise clean it daily and twist it and don’t change it for about 3 monthes or however long the person tells you to keep it in..

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