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Do you believe in God ?
I have counter arguements for every question or belief I have been told or asked please do share with me xx
In response to phrannie’s original reply: The math only makes the slightest bit of sense if you assume that bacterial life spontaneously formed into bacteria of the type and complexity we see today from nothing but organic molecules. This is a straw man: That’s not what evolution or abiogenesis proposes.
Due to natural selection, random variation, and the competition arms race that takes place between species, creatures get progressively more complicated. The first proto-life to have existed would be nothing like the complexity of modern bacteria, which have been refined by millions of years of competing with other lifeforms that are likewise evolving.
Phrannie all you’ve done is demonstrate that it’s improbable for modern day bacteria to reform together, nothing we didn’t know. That does not lead to a conclusion that abiogenisis is wrong. That’s as stupid as suggesting because it’s improbable for australopithecus to direcly morph into a h-mo sapien, that the whole theory of evolution is wrong.
When molecules are in a volatile enviorment, new elements and compounds might form. That doesn’t mean they will produce life or be able to, but compounds that developed on earth did.
In order for evolution to take place you need a form of imperfect replication. So how could the organic molecules as they’re called, which have been proven to spontaneously form, produce say replicating molecules? Well there have been experiments that shed some light on this issue, as they have proven it’s possible for RNA to form out of RNA building blocks. Enclosed cells wouldn’t have appeared for perhaps centuries later.
captiainassasin, you make a point and il give you my opinion/ outlook x
“Could life evolve randomly from inorganic matter? Not according to mathematicians.
In the last 30 years a number of prominent scientists have attempted to calculate the odds that a free-living, single-celled organism, such as a bacterium, might result by the chance combining of pre-existent building blocks. Harold Morowitz calculated the odds as one chance in 10,100,000,000,000. Sir Fred Hoyle calculated the odds of only the proteins of an amoebae arising by chance as one chance in 1,040,000,000.
Harold Marowitz, an atheist physicist, created mathematical models by imagining broths of living bacteria that were superheated until all the complex chemicals were broken down into basic building blocks. After cooling the mixtures, Marowitz used physics calculations to conclude that the odds of a single bacterium reassembling by chance is one in 10100,000,000,000. Wow! How can I grasp such a large statistic? Well, it’s more likely that I would win the state lottery every week for a million years by purchasing just one ticket each week.
…the odds calculated by Morowitz and Hoyle are staggering. The odds led Fred Hoyle to state that the probability of spontaneous generation ‘is about the same as the probability that a tornado sweeping through a junk yard could assemble a Boeing 747 from the contents therein.’ Mathematicians tell us that any event with an improbability greater than one chance in 1050 is in the realm of metaphysics – I.e. a miracle.”1
I believe people of great importance or sybolism in a religion is a person there to set an example or be the role model, a perfect figure.god would be an example for christianity,he’s a good guy and all, people look up to him but if you really look deep there seems to be a type of jesus for every religion.personaly I think some people need this”god” some ideas are stretched to far were you take science into religion such as “O god created the earth” is just a little too extreme also like how jesus camme back to life it just doesnt happen that way once your dead you cant come back, people who have lost a loved one would know this just because he is so great give him the limits of a normal human like sheesh you dont just come back once the damage is done it’s done so there is no coming back to life or him giving you all the answers when really you find it your self so dont give the credit to god who supposedly gave you the answer there is somebody like this to give people hope but some dont need it wich falls into a category of no religion .I am christian only because I follow the rules set I do not believe in god or anyhting he has done but so be it for others who need him so badly I dont mind it doesnt bother me.
Whether you included the paradox or not doesnt change the fact that it cancels itself out. and Restrictive laws of logic.. are you implying that it is much more logical to not go with the logical answer? Whether you try to avoid logic in your statements involving that subject or not you are going to keep running into it. Same thing goes with Absolutes. So why even follow the Logic of avoiding logic. Sure it opens up more thought to how we were created and it is the more friendly answer to people that don’t want to believe that there is one truth, or two truths or absolute truth in general, but SOMEONE’S toes are going to be stepped on because there is IN FACT absolute truth. Whether it is 1. There are no absolute truths or 2. There are Absolute truths. But lets keep discussing answer 1. here. I want to see the logic of avoiding logic on this topic :)
*…I believe with this way of thinking you are approaching the impossible by merely changing the definition.
…that depends on what you consider to be ‘impossible’
…but does this change the definition of the inevitable?
…that depends on your definition of ‘the inevitable’
why would I share my beliefs with you if you’re just going to shoot them all down as if anything I believe doesn’t matter??
in answer to what I’m GUESSING is your question, yes, I believe in god.
Then By definition can it be approached Philosophically if it defies the very thing it is grounded upon?
I believe with this way of thinking you are approaching the impossible by merely changing the definition. But in each of our own minds we can change the definitions to what we see fit but does this change the definition of the inevitable?
Philosophy 101… I know… didn’t you notice that I INCLUDED that paradox into my statement? Maybe you should read it again… if you would put away your textbook, look beyond the restrictive laws of logic, (and use your sense of humor), it makes total sense…
Is there a such thing as Absolute truth?
Yeah… one…
‘’There are NO absolute truths… except that there are NO absolute truths.’’
I don’t believe because I have no reason to believe. Without the bible no one would know anything about christianity. An old book is not enough proof for me. It’s the same thing as believing that Harry Potter would be true and base a religion under it.
I believe that nobody can prove or disprove the existence of God.
No God dosen’t excist and the bible isn’t truthful
Agreed with mandyloo Moving on to the question, which God? The Christian one? Hell no, lol. I might Luna, least subconsciously, for some reason, hard to explain. I deny existence of any god yet subconsciously believe in a goddess, funny.
whats…the question exactly?
I have counter arguements for every question or belief
…are you going to SHARE them with us?
my personal view on ‘God’ is that he is this ‘Jesus’ guys mental split personallity x (not ment to offened this is simply my opinion)
Yea I belive in him but thats just because of my religion, Everyoine has different religions and different belifes like my friend doent belive in god which im ok with ..But it really only counts about the religion your into ,Like im a christian so I do belive in god =]
p.s I have studied all religions in depth and attendended many churches and still don’t belive x and all this( no offence) faith to do with hospital stuff can be explained x also not everything needs to be explained
I don’t believe in any deities either. I don’t believe in them for the same reasons that I don’t believe in leprechauns or Scooby Doo.
…I guess they should’ve left it out of the text book.
Perhaps we can start calling them ‘prime truths’ or ‘anti-truths’ …just to add to the confusion even more. Although, I don’t consider philosophy to be BASED on logic, either. Sure there are areas where logic is applied, some more heavily than others (epistemology). But there are subjects that can be approached philosophically, that also defy logic.
…I guess they should’ve left it out of the text book.
Perhaps we can start calling them ‘anti-truths’ …just to add to the confusion even more. Although, I don’t consider philosophy to be BASED on logic, either. Sure there are areas where logic is applied, some more heavily than others (epistemology). But there are subjects that can be approached philosophically, that also defy logic.
…I guess they should’ve left it out of the text book. Or maybe we can start calling them ‘anti-truths’ …just to add to the confusion even more. Although, I don’t consider philosophy to be BASED on logic, either. Sure there are areas where logic is applied, some more heavily than others (epistemology). But there are subjects that can be approached philosophically, that also defy logic.
Yes you are correct in that statement. God DOES in fact defy logic..but what I’m trying to get at is if you are ready to claim “ there are NO absolute truths”, wouldn’t it be just as logical as saying “ There is a God” both being outside the realm of logic itself. Actually if you look at the first statement ( There are no Absolute truths), wouldn’t it defy logic more than stating that God exists? See to make an argument on something would mean you have to establish an Absolute truth..which you can’t really do in the argument “ there are no absolute truths” because it is a contradiction. You really couldn’t even argue that it is a Paradox because there is an Absolute truth behind a Paradox ( Neither it is true or false) So really that statement can only lead you in circles.
I didn’t say you have to AVOID logic… I said you don’t necessarily have to follow the rules. Oh, and there’s no point in trying to logically discuss a topic (God) that DEFIES logic.
Again, my statement also was delivered with a humorous sardonic tone… ‘’There are NO absolute truths… except that there are NO absolute truths.’’ …could also be interpreted as… ‘’There is only ONE absolute truth.” …yes, its a paradox, but an acceptable one, from a philosophical standpoint. But from a realistic or scientific angle, there are SEVERAL absolutes:
‘’Every human will die.’’ ‘’All living humans naturally breathe air.’’
I’m sure you can think of others…
But if there are NO absolute truths then that wouldn’t be true. Even if you establish that truth before making the statement “ There are no Absolutes” that would be contradictory my friend. Lets move past the logic of saying that there are no absolutes..Because making such a statement is absurd and logically incorrect.
For the people who previously posted answers to this question let me ask:
- What is truth?
- Is there a such thing as Absolute truth?
yes I do believe in the Bible to put that plainly
I definately believe in God. First converts dont really understand the bible and its biblical truths. But as you begin to study, read, and learn all what Christianity has to offer, the more drawn you will be, and the less unrealistic the basic truths may seem. God has done so many tremendous things for me. He saved me from death twice! I could of been dead but because of the power of Jesus I am here. I had gone to the ER almost 12 times and no one could figure out what was wrong with me. But god healed me once I increased in ym prayer life. I am a changed person who is not ashamed of Jesus nor his message of love, humility, and faithfulness. I thank god for saving me and my family.
I believe in a creator… personal reasons… sorry for the cop-out… but hey… belief is personal… right?
Why do I reject atheism? Too strong… seems to be symbiotic with physicalism… and I adhere somewhere closer to the vicinity of idealism. I don’t regard physical sensation any higher than the goings on in my mind. I know that physical sensation is in fact manifested unto me through the same channels. Beyond this realization lies the universe I experience… and what I can assign to it must first be assigned to my mind…a paradox for proof.
itwasntme718 That’s true in your case, but not in all of them. I myself and many people that I have talked to have studied the bible and were once christians themselves. After doing reasearch and studying, they realized that it was not for them and they could not believe it all. Also, why do so many people have a problem with believe in coincedences. They think every time they live instead of die, god did it. Not the doctors, or our own bodies or anything else. They automatically assume it was god. Forget that coincedences happen every day.
ally_xo Thank you, my point exactly. I dont understand why people don’t get that.
IM still debating on this one… but when I look outside .. someone put it there.
…I guess they should’ve left it out of the text book. I don’t consider philosophy to be BASED on logic, either. Sure there are areas where logic is applied, some more heavily than others (epistemology). But there are subjects that can be approached philosophically, that also defy logic.
Another contradiction to that statement is that it really can’t even be made from a philosophical standpoint because philosophy is based on logical reasoning.
fau Not to be rude. I just dont understand how someone living after having been in an accident makes people believe in God. Your sister lived because her injuries where not bad enough to kill her, because the doctors probley worked their asses off to save their lives, etc. I find it funny that most peopel credit god, and ignore the doctors that saved their loves one’s lives.
No - the ‘bible’ isn’t enough proof for me.
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