Do you believe in God?

do you believe in god? what religion are you?

Answer #1

Um, I happen to be American, and a Christian, but um, to be frank, your country believed first. Our county is still very young you know.

Answer #2

torikeene are you sure about what you said? :) our country is 17 years old and I think US is a bit older.

star99 believe in something you don’t have proof of existence? cmon. Then why there’s so many poor christian people and so many rich people who doesn’t give a sh*t about god? YOU ARE PRAYING FOR NOTHING. How many christians died in 9/11? how many of them died I don’t know where? …

Answer #3

dance4lyfe01 if you’re asking me .. no I do not believe in god. flossheal if you just look at a christians that were on Oprah when she said something in what I totally believe. She said that believing in god is not the only way to be good and all that. And the audience went nuts. I believe that you can be good in other ways and you don’t need to fill chuchs bank accounts.

Answer #4

You’re looking at that from outside though. Lots of what goes on in US Christianity is weird to me, as a British Christian. Some of it seems wrong, but not much - it’s mainly just different. I know that there is some corruption, but I think you are being too suspicious, perhaps because the practice seems so alien to you, and perhaps because the history of your country has left you with a bad feeling about institutions. I suggest you should talk to someone you like and respect, who also happens to believe in God, and then you would get a more balanced idea of faith, rather than what you see on wacky TV programmes!

Answer #5

flossheal I do believe what you said about “different does not mean wrong”. But it’s kinda silly to believe into something that you don’t even have any kind of proof of existence. You can’t even imagine how much money is going into this religion thing and whats happening with that money? who knows. maybe it’s spend for the airline tickets to thailand.

Answer #6

I’m from EU and It’s really funny how many US citizens felt into a thing called christianity.We have some programs about US christians and it’s really funny to watch it when you’re drunk/high.

Answer #7

Bah. No way I do not believe in God Yes, I am pagan and I do believe there is a Goddess.

Answer #8

I don’t know what mine is I really don’t like going to church but don’t get me wrong here I do believe in god and no matter what I love him.

Answer #9

I don’t have a religion yet, I plan on learning about all of the major religions to see which one that I believe the most.

Answer #10

well im a kind of half and half person. im a christian and yes jesus is my savior and I love the lord. but I have the ability to think way to much into stuff instead of just believing what was said…u know??? its a little confusing. but its kind of hard to believe that God created all living things when then only thing that backs it up is the bible when on the other hand science says with organisms or something (I dont really remember a lot hehe) but like they have years and years of research and many scientists who have studied the beginning of life and all that mumbo jumbo. but I do love the Lord and Jesus wit all my heart and I will always and 4 ever believe in them…

Answer #11

LOL you make me laugh, no1 talked me into becoming a Christain, I made that decicsion on my own. So how can I be brain washed?? So you telling me I’ve brain washed myself?? is that even possible???

Answer #12

I am a christian, and here is why. The Universe is not eternal. It had a beginning. The Universe always existing is not scientific. Matter, time, and space are finite and had a beginning. The Universe is dependent on time. Einstein showed that time and space are manifestations of the same thing; spacetime. Spacetime is finite and had a beginning. Time is dependent upon space and cannot be separated from it. Similarly, space cannot exist without time. Time is essential to measure anything. Without it, space cannot be measured, and cannot exist. Because spacetime is finite matter itself also has to be finite. Einstein showed that matter is a manifestation of energy. Without space there would be nowhere for energy to manifest into matter. Without time, when do you put matter? Matter, time, space, and energy are all dependent upon each other. The Universe could not have existed without time. This throws off the Universe existing as a singularity. The Universe had to have had a beginning because time had a beginning. The Universe could not have come about by itself. It had to be created.

In advance of matter and spacetime there was nothing. How can something come from nothing? There is absolutely no way. Something had to have existed prior to matter and spacetime. This something can only be God. Was there a point in time when he was created? Time began a finite amount of time ago. Prior to the beginning of time there was nothingness. There was no time. God existed prior to time. Therefore, there was never a point in time when he was created. He always existed. He exists outside of time and is eternal. God is not limited to matter and spacetime because he created these things. He is not bound by the Laws of Physics. He is all powerful. Because God is not consisted of matter he is immaterial. He cannot be seen, touched, tasted, or smelled. Because he is not limited to space he is omnipresent. Finally, because God exists outside of time he is eternal. He sees the past, present, and future at the same instant. Also, God can never be measured or proven scientifically because he is not consisted of matter and spacetime. You cannot understand God with science. The only way you can know God is by believing in him with your heart and soul. You must have faith in him.

Answer #13

lol no im not

Answer #14

im a christian- baptist actually.

Answer #15


Answer #16

I’m also from the EU and I am a Christian - I believe in and love Jesus as my Saviour and Lord. People from different countries do behave differently in many ways but, especially if you want to move to the US, damien997, you’d better get used to the idea that ‘different does not mean wrong’. I’ve had to get used to it too and it was a lesson worth learning.

Answer #17

no it’s not evil. You and your jesus friends are making it evil. because if there’s no god and sh*t that comes with it theres no evil

Answer #18

I am a born again Christain, and extremly proud of it!!!

Answer #19

Do I believe in any gods? No.

Answer #20

you can kill yourself if you don’t want to live anymore.

And I didnt say I didnt want to live. your just putting words in my mouth now.

Answer #21

Father&Mother God, absolutely

Answer #22

no I’m an athiest

Answer #23

Never really saw the need for it.

Answer #24

no and music is my religion

Answer #25

yes, catholic.

Answer #26

So you think that because we are Christains nothing bad happens to us??? WRONG!!! and to be quite honest, if there was true Christains that died on 9/11 then I bet they are happier were they are than still being on this evil earth!!!

Answer #27

no, and no religion either

Answer #28

How many christians died in 9/11? how many of them died I don’t know where? …

What? Do Christains not die or something???

Answer #29

Jesus Christ became my Lord and Savior, in June of 1985, and I have never been the same since. He turned my life completely around. Everything changed. And I would not go back to my old ways, no way. Jesus is my life, and I live to serve him. I sincerely pray that each of you, find him one day.

God bless..

Answer #30

its the devil thats evil, not God!!! You can blame me and my God if you want thats your opinion. But the trueth will come, it has all been prophesied. I Just dont want to be on the wrong side when it all starts to unfold.

there aint no unbelievers in hell. and by that I mean, they surely do believe in God now. but they have no way out.

Answer #31

No I cant. There is a commandment ‘thou shalt not kill’ that includes killing urself. and are you honestly telling me you dont think this world is evil??? your kidding urself

Answer #32

you don’t even know. The power of manipulation

Answer #33

please give me 1 PROOF that god really exist. girl you have been brain washed totally!

Answer #34

Nope I don’t suppose any gods exist.

Answer #35

define the God your talking about.

Answer #36

I’m giving you an example. If a god really exist he should protect them.. OOO SAVIOR save meee buuu for you.

Answer #37

which God?

Answer #38

I am atheist. Religion is the last thing I would spend time bothering myself about…

Answer #39

yes. im jewish

Answer #40

ya the bible is the proof

Answer #41

Yes I am a christian. I go to a Church of God in WV

Answer #42

I’m an atheist, just like you. I just believe in one fewer god than most people.

Answer #43

Yeah, she and I are close. According to a religion quiz, I am Unitarian…

Answer #44

YES…I believe in GOD and am catholic. If you do not believe in GOD start believeing and read the BIBLE.

Answer #45

Raised jewish…

Answer #46

yes, I’m christian

Answer #47

You can’t say that this planet is evil. you can kill yourself if you don’t want to live anymore.

Answer #48

Nothing finite can be infinite (eternal). Since the universe is made of finite things (matter, time, space), it therefor must be created by something without time (timeless), thus making it eternal. If it is eternal, it must be infinite, and if its the Creator, it must be God.

The universe changes, and time is the measure of change. How many changes have happened before right now? If you claim an infinite number of changes (which is impossible because you can not have an infinite amount of finite things), it is a logically impossible to conclude we could ever have reached this moment in time. In a world of cause and effect (which we live in), there can not be an infinite regress (an infinite amount of cause and effect reactions to get to a certain cause).

Allow me to rephrase. Imagine that the Earth orbits the sun every 365 days (it does). Now, on Mars, a year is much longer than an Earth year, being 687 Earth days (basically double). So, for every 2 years of Mars, Earth has circled the sun approximately 4 times. Now, imagine that this has been going on for eternity. By your logic, they would both have circled the sun the exact same amount of times, because its been going on forever (this is clearly impossible). This shows the impossibility of an infinite regress, whereby there could not have been an infinite amount of (x) before right now, in a finite universe based on time.

Now, back to God. God exists outside of time, in Eternity. God created time, and time is irrelevant to Him. God is Eternal, not created. Firstly, you have 2 choices; either everything came from nothing (which is impossible), or something always existed and created us. You have no other choice. Take a moment to think about that, remembering that it can not exist in time, that would be impossible. Time can not be eternal.

This thing that always existed would be considered Eternal, having transcended time, space, and matter, being everlasting, having always existed. If you argue this is impossible, I would argue the contrary; it is impossible for this Eternal ‘thing’ to not exist, because the alternative is that nothing existed, which could only produce nothing. So, something always existed, and is therefor Eternal.

Now, for something to be Eternal, it can not consist of time, because time must have had a beginning. We exist in a universe of causality, so an infinite regress is impossible; there could not have been an infinite amount of time before right now, because we never would have reached this moment in time. That means time had a beginning, and whatever created time exists without time, beyond time, in timelessness; Eternity.

So, this Eternal Creator, created time, and the universe. This Eternal Creator clearly is extremely powerful, because the energy of the trillions of stars in the known universe were created by this Creator. And obviously, the Creator is extremely intelligent, having created an intelligent being such as mankind and a world in which to populate with it.

im a christian btw

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