Do americans get offended when called yanks

Just want to no

Answer #1

Coming from Michigan I was puzzled when I found in Texas that people called me a Yankee. In Michigan a Yankee is someone from New England. Then someone passed on the following explanation from E. B. White

To foreigners, a Yankee is an American. To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner. To Northerners, a Yankee is an Easterner. To Easterners, a Yankee is a New Englander. To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter. And in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast.

Answer #2

As a Huge Mets fan, I get extremely offended when even the word Yankee is mentioned!!!


Answer #3

ure stereotyping about the irish not the british

Answer #4

no they dont even no what it means. we’re just like yankees? (as in the baseball team)

Answer #5

I don’t…I’ve been called worse…

Answer #6

like most others I laugh when called that

Answer #7

I don’t get afended when being called a Yankee. Living in Michigan, it doesn’t bother me. I used to be involved with a man that’s from Nashville TN and, every once in a great while he’d kidd around with me. Since he’s devoted to the Southern lifestyle, he calls a few people Yankees like myself. Boy, I miss him calling me that. So, no! I don’t mind being called a Yankee.

Answer #8

I got called a “yank” the other day at work. I actually laughed out loud, because I was raised, and live, in Texas. Before it was all said and done I found out the guy was actually from Finland, and thought of all Americans as “yanks.”

It doesn’t bother me, in fact I find it quite funny, but it throws me off whenever I hear someone call me one.

Answer #9

Yanks technically is a term for American Northerners, and sometimes just New Englanders. Being a Southerner (well.. Florida doesn’t really have many “Southern values” but it technically is the South), I don’t get offended by the word Yank. Although I should because it IS derogatory (usually used by people from the UK, Ireland, Australia), and in the derogatory sense it does include all Americans, but I personally don’t care.

It’s funny because I was at Disney this weekend and a huge percentage of the tourists I came across were British or Irish.. I talked to some of them and it seemed to be a general thing among all of them that they were treated with general respect and curiosity by the Americans they encountered. So I don’t know what all the hate is about when Americans (well, I can only speak for myself) like the British/Irish. All I see from most of them is dislike for Americans, which is a shame, really.

But maybe I’m stereotyping. I mean, I dated a Brit and he liked Americans well enough ;)

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